As you know, I am one of the writers and storytellers for Adventures in Missions. If you don't recieve our World Race blog updates and would like to, click here. Here is an example of a really cool story God wrote – one that I had the opportunity to tell back in October.

"Can I buy you?"
Kate Kovach cringed as those words exited her mouth.
"The girls reacted with a mixture of shock and amusement at my question. Mine did not respond. I pursued again. 'Can I? Can I buy you out for the night? I want to take you to the market. Would you like to go?'"
From updates.theworldrace.orgmine [mahyn] pronoun
1. a form of the possessive case of used as a predicate adjective: The yellow sweater is mine.
Mine. (pronounced Meen)
1. A young woman in Chiang Mai, Thailand, entangled in the business of prostitution and bar nightlife. A young woman who just wants someone to take care of her. A young woman who was befriended by Kate and Lindsay: two girls on the January 2012 World Race D Squad.

"But now, this is what the Lord says–he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel:
'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by your name; you are Mine.'"
Isaiah 43:1
In early October, the women of D Squad entered the red light districts of Thailand to bring hope and freedom to the women trapped in the vicious cycle of prostitution. What they found was hope and the promises of God, even in the dark and desperate places.
"We arrived at the red light district sooner than we expected. It was only a 15 minute walk from our home which was located on what was known as the 'sin street' of Chiang Mai. As we walked into the darkness of the area, I could only imagine the spiritual battle that was being waged around us.
"Can I? Can I buy you out for the night? I want to take you to the market. Would you like to go?"
From updates.theworldrace.orgNot only could she, she did. Kate and Lindsay developed a unique friendship with Mine. They took her to lunch, to the salon, out shopping, and even to get contact lenses. Soon, they got to the point where Mine was the one calling them to hang out.
She saw something in them. Something that was freeing. Something she wanted.
During a night ride on Mine's motorbike, the girls realized Jesus would be doing the same thing had he been there that night. He would have loved her and made sure she knew she was under his protection.
"She was the type of person Jesus would have hung out with. He ministered to thieves, murderers, prostitutes, beggars, liars, and others who were considered to be lowly. And to me, she wasn't a prostitute. She was a woman who was in a lot of pain. She was afraid of being alone. She was a woman I loved so incredibly much.
From updates.theworldrace.orgLight will continue to shine into the red light district of Chiang Mai. In Abba's ever caring arms, I place my trust that Mine will be loved and cared for. I trust that the Spirit will continue to speak to her heart, and that people will continue to rise up as willing instruments to love her in the name of Christ."
At the end of their month, Kate and Lindsay had to trust that the Lord will be the one to love and care for Mine. The one to redeem her. Fortunately, they serve a God who promises just that. He calls her "Mine." She is his.

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by your name; you are Mine."
Isaiah 43:1