That's how long I have left to live in New Jersey.
And I'm freaking out a little bit.

I just spent a year traveling the globe.
Am I really ready to leave home again?
Am I really ready to live radically for the gospel again?

Some moments, the answer is no, and I'd rather
snuggle into my comforter and get the rest and salary
I 'deserve' after getting two college degrees and 'doing my time' in missions.

But God doesn't always call us to what's easy.
Or to good money. Or to comfort.

A good job? A comfy bed? A side ministry? That's good.
But sometimes the enemy of God's best is the good.

I'm not going to pretend moving to Georgia is going to be bleak, dismal, suffering for Christ.
Trust me, I'm excited.
I get to live in a community of radical 20 and 30 somethings, who are committed to bringing
Jesus' kingdom here on earth. I get to develop leadership in missions. I get to sit under more experienced
missionaries and glean from their wisdom. I get to go on adventures
as I follow Christ wherever. I might go to Spain for six months. I get to advocate for the oppressed
through media and writing. I get to be around some of my World Race squad. I get to influence
future World Racers and missionaries and call them into the freedom I've found.
This season is SUCH a privilege.
(but it's still a little scary to let go all over again.)

But Daddy said GO.
So, I said, "Yes sir."

Cause you see, The World Race isn't about "doing your time" serving Jesus, so you can spend the rest of your life in a normal job making money and not feel guilty.

It's not about "getting traveling out of your system while you're young."

The World Race is about BEING WRECKED for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In hopes that after you return home, and realize you're unsatisfied with a life committed to anything less than Jesus call for you,
that your 11 month commitment will turn into a lifetime commitment.

Not necessarily a lifetime commitment to a specific organization or cause.
But a lifetime commitment to Jesus.

So, here I go again.
Following Daddy down a path that's super exciting.
And a little scary at times.
Knowing He's good.
And He'll take care of me.
And His Spirit is upon me to bring freedom.
To bind wounds.
To care for the oppressed.
All for His glory.

The first Sunday I was back in my home church, the choir sang a song…
"All I know is I'm not home yet,
This is not where I belong,
Take this world, but give me Jesus…"

I'm home from The World Race.

But I'm not home yet.
We're citizens of the Kingdom.

And I'm committing to an organization that seeks to see that Kingdom
come to earth as it is in Heaven.

So, whether it's during the season of apprenticeship,
marketing opportunities,
training future Racers at training camps,
leading short term trips, 
speaking freedom over other staff,
gleaning from the wisdom of older missionaries,
getting trained in media in Spain,
leading a World Race squad,
or whatever each season with AIM looks like,
I'm committed.
To Jesus.
And wherever His Spirit calls.

If you're able to continue on this journey with me,
click on the Support Me! link on the left,
and let's change the world together.

There is power in the Name of Jesus to break every chain.
There's an Army rising up to break every chain.
Break every chain.
Break every chain.