(ever feel like this?)
How easy is it for us to claim verses and sing songs and not live them AT ALL.
Disclaimer: I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am forgiven, bought,
and paid for by the blood of Jesus. I am His beloved. And even when I let my
heart and emotions do their thing rather than being satisfied and consumed
by Him, He is still my rock, and still faithful and worthy of all praise.
But sometimes I really think I should be singing things like this:
My hope is built on so much less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I always trust the frailest frame
And rarely lean on Jesus name.
On life the jello cube i stand
It really feels like sinking sand…
When darkness veils His lovely face
I freak out and forget His grace
Through every high and stormy gale
My anchor… blows in the wind and hits me in the face.
Or how about…
In circumstances alone my hope is found
They’re pretty fickle and unreliableeee…
(k, that one didn’t rhyme but you get the picture.)
What heights of pain, what shallow peace,
When fears are real, when worry wont cease,
My Comfortor, my All in All,
Why do I forget His mighty hand?
My point: It’s okay to be sad or scared about something, and obviously circumstances are going to affect us, we’re human. But if we actually, ACTUALLY believe in this God we sing about, this Solid Rock in whom we can Hope and trust in the storm, maybe there are times we need to get our emotions in check. This isn’t going to happen by switching your emotions off – that’d be superficial, fake, and pretty much impossible. This change in us, where we can mean what we say and what we sing, will come as we get to know Christ’s character more. When we fall so in love with Him and His trustworthiness, than even IN our emotions and circumstances and storms in life, we can stand firm on the Solid Rock, rather than wiggle and falter around on a jello cube and get hit in the face with an anchor that was supposed to be grounded in Someone a little more trustworthy than the storm. Prettttttty sure He’s in control 😉