My semester in little Black Mountain has ended, so I have come to this spot to hopefully spill some lessons I’ve learned (& am still learning) throughout my time!
1. To live well is to abide in Love. I’ve found that even without school or work this semester, life can very quickly become overwhelming & overcomplicated in my mind. My job is simple, allow Love in & take every opportunity to pour Love out on the person in front of me.
2. Choose to be like a child. Jump into all the leaf piles and roll down all the hills! & never grow to old for children’s books; they are filled with some wise words!
3. To let go & wholly surrender control leaves room for God to be God. No matter how much my mind tries to convince me that I can do His job, I simply can’t. Freedom in the authority of my Father leaves me with the job to just enjoy Him forever.
4. Take time today to just sit there & remember the Father’s faithfulness big & small.
5. Please try some frozen grapes.
6. What’s hard for the flesh is really good for the spirit.
7. Diversity really does reveal the fullness of God! I came into the semester craving familiarity & left with my favorite memories being those sitting around a table to just listen and learn.
8. Ask people questions! People & their stories are truly so fun.
9. Ask the Father questions. Operate out of a state of wonder. A friend told me that our brains are created to never fully reach a point of knowing everything on purpose.
10. He alone satisfies. I’ve always heard that & agreed without really thinking about it. Even the good things from Him are empty at the end of the day. My identity doesn’t have to strip away when circumstances change. He’s just so patient & kind in teaching me that He really is capable of completely satisfying me. He takes me emptiness and brokenness as an offering.
Thank you for taking the time to read some of my jumbled thoughts today. I wish I could tell you face to face that I am really grateful for you & your support!
With love,