Finally!!! I’m writing a blog to update y’all and give more gritty details! I have procrastinated this mostly because I’m lazy, and stay super busy. For those who don’t know, I am currently in Jaco Costa Rica!! I only have 2 and a half more weeks here until we are moved to…. we still don’t know. But that’s okay because it’s in the Lords hands!! Also, a lot of people are learning how to let go of control and expectations which is always fun!!
Okay so to the real question: what does a week look like here. Jaco was very unexpected to me because in a lot of ways we literally just moved here as a big family of 17 and are learning how to work with that. We have a schedule of people who has to go grocery shopping (i went last week super stressful and hard) and people who cook every meal, and do dishes. That’s not super common one missions because typically you just eat whatever the hosts feeds you, but being that I don’t know how to cook I have been able to learn some! Driving up to Oceans Edge I was so ready to hit the ground serving, but instead I was met by a host who was so much more ready to love and serve us. Her name is Hannah and she really values pouring into her missionaries so they can pour out into her city. So our week starts on Tuesdays! we have a devotion with this guy named Richard who is so awesome and so blunt it’s been fun getting to learn from him. Then we split into our teams and go to all different places in the city doing ministry at 10am. We are in ministry 10-5 and ministry looks different everywhere we go, but here in Jaco it looks like art bombing!! We are cleaning up the parks and painting them with murals from the bible. My favorite things happening is the light posts. Because Jaco is one of the most dangerous cities at night the only thing lit up is the light posts so we are also painting those. Our hosts makes sure to work in worship nights and hours of prayer into our schedules so we get to learn a lot too. On Saturdays we have adventure day which is as it sounds, we can go adventure off do whatever we find sounds fun. Last week we went zip lining and the week before to the beach! Sunday’s we are at Horizon church (you can watch live;)) It is an English and Spanish speaking church which is so nice. Then we spend the afternoon cleaning the compound and doing “Ask The Lord”. Then on the seventh day the lord said rest. My favorite day of the week: Sabbath!!! We get a whole day to rest in the Lord and reflect on the week and all that we are learning. It looks different for everyone, but I enjoy sitting in my hammock reading. The funny thing is our sabbath would be on Monday no matter what but we actually did get here on a Tuesday and work 6 days and then rest. I love that. Okay so now we have 18 days left here, im trying to soak them up and as soon as I know where is next or what that looks like i’ll try to update!!