I found out about the World Race on accident. I was helping my best friend paint furniture for her new apartment and she started talking about a friend of hers who was a big traveler and even went on a year long mission trip called the World Race. That was it. She brushed over it as if it was no big deal. Meanwhile, I was immediately intrigued. I went home and googled the World Race and got excited about the amazing opportunity that was before me. I started the application process, but I didn’t finish it. Doubt started to creep in and I became discouraged. I felt unworthy, like I didn’t have enough experience or faith to spread God’s word. 

A month later, right before the deadline, I was listening to a podcast called Girls Night. The host is a Christian woman who talks about friendship, faith and life’s calling. I was intrigued by the host and decided to google her. The first link that popped up was a World Race blog. Confused, I clicked on the link and read the blog post. The blog resonated so deeply with my own life and feelings. At the end of the blog I saw the name Stephanie May Wilson, the same person who hosted the podcast. I was shocked and immediately DM’d her on Instagram. I was not expecting a reply, but she messaged me back and sent me a podcast episode about her experience with missions and the World Race. She wished me luck and hoped the podcast would help me. The next day, I listened to that podcast and got the clarity I needed to complete the application. A week later I was accepted and the reality of what God had led me to sunk in. He opened every door and gently nudged me through. 

The night I was accepted I wanted to talk to a friend about how I was feeling. My cousin, whom I rarely get to talk to, texted me and said, ”Thinking about you.” I called her immediately. I told her all about the journey of getting accepted to go on the World Race. When I had finished my story, she told me that her best friend in college had gone on the World Race a few years ago and loved it. It seemed like another door was opening to keep encouraging me that I was on the right path. 

God provided the miracles through the people around me who are helping me find my purpose. I pray that He continues to open the doors for me.