Growing up in a Christian home, I was always hearing stuff like “God has a purpose for your life,” “He is going to use you in great ways!” I never considered it or thought anything about it until I was fifteen years old. Up to that point, I had been living my life the way I wanted and not searching for God. Yet, I was able to put up a mask for my family, my friends, and the church so that everyone thought I was looking for God, but I was not. God had to take me to a place where he gave me two options: 1, to keep going down the path I was on, which would probably have led me to jail. Or 2, to get right with Him. I chose the latter!!! I was freed from that burden; it no longer had any kind of control over me or was a part of me. I sincerely believe that God saved me from this, and I know that He has a purpose for my future.

So, at that time, I began to pray a lot and ask Him, WHAT’ S NEXT? And at that time, I felt Him calling me to missions, to share His love with the World. So, I started becoming more involved with my church, helping with our local missions, and I was given a role as a youth leader! So, I guess with all this amazing stuff going on; I could see that God was working and that He does have a plan for my life.

Knowing this, I ended up here at the World Race. I have been praying about going on missions’ trip with this specific ministry for close to a year now. I felt it was what the Lord was calling me to, so after continuing to pray about it, close to the week of my graduation, I decided to apply. I got ACCEPTED! I know you may have some questions like, uh, what is the World Race? 

WR is a 9-month mission trip where I will be traveling to 3-4 different countries for nine months, spending about three months in each region. Originally the plan was to go to Romania, India, Costa Rica, but because of Covid-19, those countries are currently closed and are not going to reopen. The new plan is to do missionary training and outreach here in the States for the first three months of my journey.

Projects like this are not easy … So, if you feel like God has put a donation on your heart, please do it! But more important than any contribution, I need PRAYER!

The Lord has given me Isaiah 6:8 to carry with me while on my journey.