"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers 
for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership
in the gospel from the first day until now."

Philippians 1:3-5

Dear family and friends,

Almost a month has gone by since my last blog post, wherein I was inviting you all into this adventure with me through your prayers and financial support.  I am beyond thankful for all the prayers, love, support, and generosity!  Wow, God has been so faithful and spoken through so many incredible people in my life and I am truly blessed for so many beautiful friends and family who are spurring me on to pursue where God is calling me in the middle of this challenging time. The global pandemic has definitely thrown a curve ball into all of our lives, but along with the chaos and mayhem of the unknowns, it reminds me to be thankful for each and every day and more importantly every person that we encounter throughout our day. A few weeks ago I started working at a bakery and I’m absolutely thrilled by the challenge of the fast paced and attention to detail environment. At the same time as starting this new job I also started a new book, “The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry,” wherein, John Comer does a fantastic work in challenging us to slow down. One of my favorite challenges thus far from this book is taking the sabbath, a complete day dedicated to rest and worship, turning off my phone, and taking time to live in the moment and intentionally in relationship with God, others, and myself. I would love to encourage you to do the same.

As my squad’s route with the World Race is and will continue to evolve, I’m asking for prayers for the people that God is gathering to go out, as well as those that we will be serving and loving. We are continuing to plan and prepare for our launch in January 2021, please continue to pray for countries to open and for everyone to be safe. Adventures in Mission has been working hard to figure out the details of the route we will go on and I will keep you updated as I learn more. I know that wherever the Lord leads I am excited to be His hands and feet and I’m doing my best to love and serve the beautiful community he has currently put me in. 


It’s wild to think I will be departing for my World Race in approximately 3 months! Please continue to keep me in your prayers and let me know how I can be praying for you. 


Please Pray, subscribe to my blog, share the link, and if you are led, donate. Thank you for partnering with me.


In love,

Celia Elizabeth

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15