I am currently sitting in the LAX airport on a five hour layover from Salt Lake City, Utah to home in North Carolina. My world race officially ended about a week ago but my ministry didn’t. I took this past week to go to Utah to minister to the Mormons. I took this trip last year and it lit a fire under me for missions as a whole so when I learned the dates lined up just right for me to back directly after the World Race I jumped on it. What I didn’t think about, until I was right in the middle of it, was how difficult on my body the travel from the DR to Utah would be. 

Below is what I wrote in my notes as they happened  

8 am wake up
Live a day
final banquet 
Dont sleep
12:30am get on bus to go to airport
Dont sleep
4:30am arrive at airport
9am board plane
11:30 off the plane
Check into hotel at 3pm
Nap at 4:30pm
Wake up at 10:30pm
Midnight run to checkers
A Bang! Energy drink 4am
Continue to vibe
say good bye to those with flights
8am get in bed to rest
9am get up from nap
Vibe all day
11pm sleep
3:30am wake up
5am through security 
7am plane takeoff
Sleep maybe a combined 20 minutes
Fly through 2 time zones so here is mtn time
10am land
(at this point I have a kind bar and cup of water to eat)
Keep pushing
Have 2 convos in temple square
12am sleep
7am wake up
So in that 96 hour time span I totaled about 11 hours of sleep. My body normally would absolutely fall apart and I’d need to sleep for a week straight to recover from that. But each and every day since then God has given me the energy and ability to think (which would also disappear normally) to get through each day and each conversation where terms need defined, concepts talked about clearly, and patience for people who have been lied to their whole life about the Gospel and don’t understand. 
“I have a white knuckle grip on the grace of God, and I have no other choice” I was running because the Lord wanted me to, nothing else makes sense. And I will continue to need it as I fly out of here at midnight and arrive in Charlotte at 8am. 
Thank You everyone for supporting me on the World Race and for reading these blogs written mostly on whims. I truly appreciate it and am looking forward to sharing so much more in person.