So we’ve been working in costa rica for a couple weeks now and here are some highlights thus far. 


On base

The first week we spent here in Costa we spent entirely working on the base in order to make it better both for our time here and future visitors. 


We have been clearing out the jungle with machetes and rakes in order to create space for a new kitchen. Just chopping everything in sight but plantain and coconut tress has been a ton of fun. 

We also mixed and laid concrete by hand for a few spots on campus that needed it. This was also surprisingly fun despite the fact that its repetitive. Once mixed we had to continue mixing because “moving is life”. A quote our base leader used to stress the importance. 

And lastly and likely the best thing we’ve done… COMPOST HOME!

We made a compost bin from scratch using bamboo as the frame. This will be used for making compost from the organic leftovers from meals. 


In town

This week we started to go into town to do some evangelism. So I’m going to talk about some people we’ve met so far. 


 Mario- he was the first person we ran into. He runs a jewelry stand every day of the week. He also is a believer. It was a nice intro into evangelism as a whole and he reduced the prices on everything for the squad. 


Neil- I’ve run into him twice so far. The first time we met he sounded like he was Christian, he was using all the right terms in all the right ways. But in out second meeting he actually started to dive into his beliefs, and he believes in reincarnation and that the goal in life was to live perfectly. We plan on talking to Neil again as soon as we find him. 


Sunny- When we met sunny he was sitting alone on a table outside a closed restaurant. We decided to stop and talk to him. He moved to Costa Rica from Canada because life farther north was to fast paced and stressful. We had an overall good convo with sunny and got to share the gospel with him. But somewhere while he was talking about how we all give off different vibrations. He looked at the two girls and I and said “the three of us give off good vibes….. his are a little off”


Till next time
