Hello everyone! ¿Como estas? Long time no blog and I’m sorry about that truly. I’m going to try to post one each week because this is your mission trip just as much as it is mine. So again, I apologize. 
WOW YALL! Can I just say, this first month has been actually INSANE! From training camp in Georgia, to travel day and having to be separated from about half of my squad, to actually being here in Costa Rica, God has been showing me so much. He’s been teaching me about His love, love in general, friendship, surrender, spiritual warfare, vulnerability, culture, the power of your testimony, evangelism, worship, community, and God’s voice and how big He is.
Our first week here, my team (team yellow) and another team (red team) got settled into our first host home. It was absolutely beautiful. When we got to Costa Rica none of us knew where we’d end up..even the leaders! But God opened doors and I couldn’t be more thankful for where we ended up. Our home was high up in the mountains and we had two little cabins and the main house where we ate our meals and had fellowship with our hosts. Our host‘s name is Evelyn and her and her family are absolutely 100% wonderful and love the Lord. They made the most delicious food for us for every meal. Even when we were doing ministry. 

Evelyn has a school for pre-k to about 7th grade so that’s where we had ministry. That was where we spent our first week. We painted and helped with the kids. 
The next week of ministry was spent painting, gardening, making a pathway, and getting attacked by ants! The land we were working on is shared by 7 churches. They gather there for prayer and events. They’re also using it as a place for recovering addicts as a living space and ministry. So it was very cool and the property was beautiful even with all the ants! (which we actually created a sermon about the ants. Another story for another time.) 

After our week of working there we went to the beach for a fun and relaxing day without knowing what would come the next day! We woke up and were told that we have 30 minutes to pack all of our stuff because we were moving location! Welcome to the Race!

This week we stayed at a church. We have been sleeping in a room with our teams on the church grounds with mattresses on the floor. Thank God for mattresses. We’ve been painting the church all week which has actually been a lot of work! But I love love love this place because we’re a lot closer to town and we have been surrounded by the community. Every meal is prepared for us by another wonderful family. They have 2 kids and we actually found out that they lost their jobs due to corona last year. So pray for them! 
We’ve had lots of opportunities to go to church services  and speak. I got to lead worship with 2 other members of my team and members of the church. So fun! 

The reason I named this blog “Get Wrecked” is because throughout this season of my life God has been wrecking me (in a good way). He’s been wrecking my heart.  My old ways. My old thoughts and beliefs. When you go out of your way to serve and love God and spend time with Him, He’ll open your eyes to things in different ways. He’ll introduce you to new people, places, and points of view. When you tell your testimony, He’ll show you and remind you of things that will blow you away because of His goodness. 
All in all, spending time with Jesus and being interruptible for God to use me and being here has taught me so many things. God is so beautiful in everything He does. All the ways He works. Ask Him to open your eyes. Ask Him to remind you of His goodness in your life. 
I wish I could add alllllll the details about my time here but it would truly be so much. I’m so excited for what the Lord has in store for my and my team. I’ve been thinking a lot of everyone at home and praying A LOT for you guys. May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 

Thank you for all your support:)