Hello and welcome to my journey!
My name is Jen and I am 22 years old. I grew up in a tiny town in West Texas. The kind of small town that if you have a decent arm, you could throw a rock and hit the other side. I have two incredible older brothers, Dillon and Daniel. They are twins and quite honestly some of the strongest people I know. I grew up in this village. My dad, Brandon, and my grandparents own an irrigation well company. My dad is also a welder, wheat pasture cowboy, plumber, electrician (unlicensed of course) and many other things. Some would say a “jack of all trades but a master of none.”
Growing up in this small village had its perks for sure. Things like, spending and extra 30 minutes every time you went to the grocery store just to catch up with someone you haven’t seen since last Tuesday. (NO REALLY) All jokes aside this village had such a huge impact on who I am as an individual.
From a very young age I have always had such a heart for people. Whether they gravitated towards me (probably because I was being a weirdo), or I had an urge to go and introduce myself. My family loves to tell people that they first knew I was a sucker for human connections when I went out of my way to try and learn Spanish in the 2nd grade just to talk to the new kid. I guess I didn’t want him to feel to left out.
As I grew older and begin to face challenges of my own, I quickly realized that this heart that I have for people was growing stronger. (yes, I think it is undoubtedly a super power) I do not have a shy bone in my body. I will always say something that makes the already awkward situation, more awkward. I am not easily caught off guard or embarrassed. Most likely because I find myself doing something to embarrass myself daily. (Not a super power ha ha)
When if decided to sign up for the World Race, I told myself, “what can it hurt, you probably won’t be accepted.” You see I am not the type of person that has extravagant things happen to them. At least that is what I thought. Since joining this adventure, I have been asked by almost everyone, “WHY?” Well heck guys, I don’t have all the answers. I am only 22. I have been doing a lot of praying and spending a lot of time just in meditation with the Lord. Asking Him. Why? Why me? What do I have to offer? How can I change lives? What will I say? What if I can’t?
The answer to all of these questions was “It isn’t about YOU.” Like, okay God, haha I didn’t need you to tell the world that I don’t actually have ANY super powers, let alone two. It was such a heart wrenching conversation to have with Him. After discovering my why with the Lord, I realized how absolutely correct He was. (as if God could ever be wrong, smh)
It is not about me. Will I grow? Absolutely. Will I influence? Absolutely. However, the only way any of us can make a true impact on anyone life is through Christ himself. Through Him we have these super powers. When I am speaking and allowing His words to flow out of me I can’t say the wrong thing.
BOOM. END OF STORY. haha just kidding friends. It is so much deeper than that.
I believe that being lost means a multitude of things. Maybe, you just aren’t really connecting with anything in your life at the time. Maybe, you don’t know which way to step. Maybe, you know all the answers but can’t find peace in any decisions for fear of missing out or choosing wrong. Being lost is something that everyone goes through. Spiritually, mentally and on occasion physically haha
When my life is in a whirlwind of decisions or plans or whatever it may be I find grounding and comfort in knowing that I don’t want to go anywhere the Lord hasn’t been before me. That I pray for the things to come in my life as much as I pray for the things that are already here. I know that He has gone before me on this journey preparing hearts to hear the good news.
Don’t lose hope because you feel lost. Don’t lose faith because you can’t see what’s next. And don’t lose joy because you are too worried about the things that are not in your control. Pray pray pray. Listen listen listen.
In my praying and listening to the Lord, it hit me like a freight train. “JEN what is it that you do effortlessly and passionately that brings you endless joy? THRIFT SHOPPING! haha nooo that is my very very close second. Love people for who they are, where they are, and believe in them in ways they may not be able to believe in themselves.”
So, there it was. My why. God has had this planned for me since before I could have imagined. He implanted in me this desire to bring a smile to someones face. To love on someone who may not be getting enough love elsewhere. To be a weirdo so that someone can feel comfortable being a weirdo too. God is so good like that. Just instilling in us things that we thought were flaws, to go out and change others lives. This journey was something I was created for. Something that the Lord crafted together so that I could take what he gave me and give it to others. Through joy we can find together a deeper and stronger understanding of the Lord. Through trials and pain we can find a better understanding of how important that joy really is.
I couldn’t be more stoked to embark on this adventure. For whatever is in store for my squad and I. For the growing and the laughter and the teaching. To serve is to love and to love is to make a difference.