You know what’s absolutely INSANE?
I fly home in TWO weeks. I only have fourteen days left on the race. And while I don’t know if I’m ready to leave this place and these people, I am excited to see my family and friends back home (and my dog, duh). Although, I am a little scared to get this question:
“How was The World Race?”
AHH. I don’t know?? How can I sum up the past nine months of my life in one answer? “It was good but also hard but I wouldn’t trade it for anything” is probably the best answer I can give.
If you want a more in-depth answer, I came up with a list of people, places, and stories to ask me about! I’d love love LOVE to get coffee and tell you all about what this crazy adventure was like.
About Georgia And Louisiana (Month 1-3)
What is a squad?
What is a team?
What was the first day like?
What was the first worship night like?
What were bucket showers?
What was living in a tent for two months like?
Your tent flooded?
What was the fitness hike?
What were cohorts?
What was team time?
Did your team get along?
Who was Alicia?
Who was Jewel?
How many different places did you sleep?
How did you get a third knee?
What was the SMT?
What was your favorite meal?
What was the deal with the vending machines?
What did you do in a day?
How did you wash your clothes?
What was your favorite teaching?
Why won’t Samson play spicy uno with you anymore?
What is Beauty for Ashes?
What was sabbath?
Why did your squad go to Louisiana?
What did you do?
What were the road trips like?
Why was working with Samaritan’s Purse in Lakes Charles, LA one of your favorite parts of the Race?
Who are Perry and Patty?
How did working with Samaritan’s Purse bring your team closer together?
Why was working with Samaritan’s Purse in Derrider, LA hard?
What did you guys do for Halloween?
What is OneRace? What did you learn from them?
What was 30 people sleeping in one room like?
What was the Blitz Course?
What was being raised up as a team leader like?
What did the guys do for the girls on the last night in GA?
What word did the Lord speak over this season for you?
About Costa Rica (Month 5-7)
What was your first travel day like?
Were you excited for Costa Rica?
Who was Nicole?
Where did your squad stay?
How was sharing a room with your team?
Who is Xenia?
Who is Alfredo?
What is The Hope Project?
Who were Micah and Melissa?
What did you do in your first two weeks there?
Who is José?
Who is Rachel?
Wait, you took dance classes?
What was your favorite ministry?
What was your least favorite ministry?
What are Teaching Tuesdays? Which one was your favorite?
Who is QuiQue?
Who is Done Cece?
What was the Storytelling Internship? Why did you do it?
Who were Kacie and Jezie?
What was “the waiting room”?
How was being the raised-up team leader?
How many dance parties did Stride have?
What did you guys do for church?
What was your favorite coffee shop?
How was camping in a Garden?
How were the adventures days?
What was Abraham’s Project? What show did Team Stride watch every day after ministry while staying at AP?
How many times did Team Stride move during the last two weeks in Costa?
What seasoning did Team Stride put on everything?
What were discipleship classes? Which one was your favorite?
Why were Morgan and Anjali banned from the kitchen?
What did the Lord teach you about the church?
Who was James?
Wait, you guys got cut off from Uber Eats?
How was grocery shopping for weekend meals for Team Stride?
You jumped off a bridge?
What is debrief?
What word did the Lord speak over this season for you?
About The Dominican Republic (Month 8-9)
What was your travel day to the DR like?
What was celebrating your 19th birthday in the DR like?
How was sharing the base with two short-term teams for a week?
What does “Empowerment Phase” mean?
What did Team Stride do for team times here?
What did you do for Easter?
What is Mission of Hope?
What is SMT?
How was your first day of ministry?
Did you work with Haitians or Dominicans?
Where did you go to church?
Who is Pastor Edwin?
Why was everyone woken up by Hailey screaming at 2am one night?
What was the spiritual atmosphere like?
What did your squad do to fight spiritual warfare?
Who were your translators?
Why did you and your squadmates stay up all night?
How hot was it?
Why did you go to the beach on adventure days when you hate the beach?
What was “27 waterfalls”?
How was wearing skirts every day for ministry?
What was your favorite part of the day?
What song would Hailey always play when she was on AUX?
What was bible study and why was it your favorite part of the week?
How was cooking meals for the squad? Which meals did your team cook?
What was hard about this season?
What did the Lord teach you?
What did Team Stride do in the gazebo?
Who is Tim?
Who is Alec?
Who are Papa Paul and Mama Kim and what did they get you one day that almost made you cry?
What was your favorite meal?
How many times did Team Stride laugh so hard someone peed their pants?
Wait, you and Emma got to be baristas again?
What safety hazard did you have walking from your room to the dining hall?
What word did the Lord speak over this season for you?
About The Race In General
What were some of your favorite memories?
How many times did you get covid tested?
What was hard?
How did God call you out in leadership?
How did God redeem art for you?
How did God redeem Christian community for you?
What do you regret?
How did your perspective of God change?
How did your team grow and change?
Why are you not the same person who left home nine months ago?