Short and sweet, I’m going on the World Race because I believe that this is the next step the Lord is calling me to.

To give a little bit of background info, I had no idea what I was going to be doing after college. I knew that I was called into ministry at 13 years old but didn’t have a view of what that was going to look like. After 3 and a half years at college and a countless number of times of prayer for guidance and an answer, God answered. 

When I was told that the World Race was an option, I applied and asked that God open the doors to work this opportunity out if this was where I needed to be and close them if not. So you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I found out that I had been accepted! 

Along with this, I firmly believe that all Christians are called to fulfill the Great Commission of sharing the Gospel, whether at home or abroad. This particular route is focused on God’s heart for the nations and people, which is EXACTLY where my heart is. I absolutely love being able to meet new people and talk with them. Getting to travel the world, doing what God created me to do, serving others, and sharing the love of Christ with them? UNBELIEVABLE. There is nowhere that I would rather be.

This is going to be a long, challenging, life-changing 11 months, but that’s part of the excitement! I am thankful to God for providing the opportunity to further the Gospel and expand the Kingdom. That’s why I’m going on the World Race 2020.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
