Hey. Hello. How’s it going? It’s Abby!


I just want to clear a few things up. The World Race has not changed me. I’m still Abby. The Abby who showed up with a 45lb backpack in Gainesville Georgia this September is the same Abby who will arrive in the Little Rock terminal with worn-out clothes and a bag full of memories. I am still chemically the same human. God is still the same God. 


So why did I spend nine months of my life on this crazy thing called the Race? What has always been true about God, what has always been true about myself, and what has always been true about mission has become abundantly clear. 


Both things I knew and didn’t know are simply facts in my life for both my head and my heart. 

Gifts of the Spirit, who I actually am as a daughter, the reality of the miraculous, our goal as apprentices of Jesus, and much more has become a simple rhythm.


Think of a nice baby peach tree. With a little fertilizer, the right climate, and some time, it’s trunk will stretch, it’s branches spread, and blossoms will form. Yet, it’s still a peach tree. So yes, Abby is very much still Abby, but Abby intimately knows what waking in the Light actually means. Abby has been grown and stretched and fruit is budding. 


With this, something else is overwhelmingly clear. Walking in the Light, seeing with the eyes of God, is not a simple light switch. It’s more of one of those fancy light dimmers, but with no end to its level of brightness. The Race has brightened my life, but it will only keep getting brighter. The clarity and truth I feel I walk in now will only keep getting better, because the reality of our Lord’s goodness only keeps getting better. 


Know that if and when you ask “How was your Race?” that there are simply not proper words in English or Spanish, or any other language for that matter, to capture the inner transformation, the amount of both little and small adventures, my heart for my C-Squad family and church, or how pumped I am about the Lord’s goodness.


So, life itself hasn’t really changed. What HAS changed is my capacity to grasp the reality of life with the Most High. 



Life update: This week was spent listening to some Bible lectures from our friends from YWAM Louisville, doing soccer ministry, and constructing a bathroom for the neighbors of our friend we built a house for a few weeks ago! We have ONE more week of ministry here in Costa. We are all definitely ready for some sweet rest the following week in the mountains at debrief. I’m not sure I’ve ever existed in a more bitter-sweet time, but I just keep choosing thanksgiving with the Father!



Above is the lovely Señora in her brand new home built by C-Squad!


Just manual labor things.


Always diving into scripture. 

Thanks for reading, friends! 
