Hey teammates! (and all others reading who can be encouraged by reading this)

I’m SO excited to meet all of you in just a short 4 months! 

Spending a whole summer together with people who I’ve never met just absolutely thrills my heart. I have found that some of my closest and deepest friendships have been with people who start as complete and utter strangers, yet are sprinting after the same things I am. I know that all of us are after the same thing- fulfillment of the great commandment by seeing all people come to Jesus! What a blessing to be on a team with 11 other girls who are passionate about the gospel. 

I’m praying for us all to be unified while out on the field! Acts 2:44 NIV says “all the believers were together and had everything in common”. We are studying the book of Acts this semester in House Church and one of my friends said that “all believers have our core as Christ”. We are serving the same God and what a beautiful thing that is! 

I’m praying for really incredible communication with one another. I’m praying for crazy vulnerability and for us to be a unit that is unshakable. That we would know that if any conflict arises, that we would take our anger to the enemy and not towards each other. 

In a practical way, I am praying for each and every one of us to receive every penny needed to be able to go on this trip. I know that the Lord has done miraculous works in my funding just in the last few months, and I am believing the same thing for all 11 of you!

God do your thing and bring in the funds! Bring in the $61,800 to fund our whole team! It may seem big and intimidating to us, but to you it is a way to prove your power and your goodness by surprising us with your way of doing things. 

I believe He’s gonna do it, but even if He doesn’t, I KNOW He is going to use these funds we do have and the time we have to put us on other trips/ in positions we needed to be in all along 🙂

I think that’s all for now, but I cannot wait to get to know you all a little better before our meeting in May (yay!)

