Hello Everyone! If you guys and gals have made it this far, you may be wondering just who is Zack Alexander? Where to start?

To begin, I am your good ole Kentucky boy, born and raised in the small town of Monticello, KY. I am 24 years old (I’ll be hitting that quarter century mark in July . . . . phew), and I live in Bowling Green. From a young age I have always had a heart for people and wanted to help others in a meaningful way. For many years my hopes and dreams revolved around me becoming a surgeon. I wanted to be a person that people came to when they needed healing. This dream began when I was just six years old. My father came home from work one day and was in terrible shape. On the job he had ruptured a disc or two in his back and was rendered unable to work. A year later, he had his first surgery, which unfortunately didn’t help. From there things began to escalate and new problems began to present themselves. As of today he is up to 12 surgeries with very little improvement. This is where my dream first got its start. I wanted to be the one to heal my father.

So for many years I strived for this goal. I studied hard, I enrolled in AP and college classes, enrolled in Medical classes to get a jump start, and everything was going great. In 2012 I graduated and enrolled in Berea College class of 2016. This is where I met some of the best friends that I will ever have. It was here that things began to change for me. 

You see, I grew up in a Christian household, and I am beyond thankful that my parents taught me about Jesus from the very beginning, because honestly, I can’t remember a moment that Jesus wasn’t a part of my life. But I remember on October 27th of 2006, every message that I had heard clicked within my heart and I knew that I needed to receive Jesus. And so as I walked up to the altar to pray, I wasn’t alone. There was another that walked beside me unseen. He comforted me, he guided me. And it was on that day that I was born again. I accepted Jesus as my savior. But this was just the beginning. I would love to say that after this moment that I was on fire for the Lord, but I can’t.

It wasn’t until college that I truly started getting serious about Jesus. You see, if you are a Child of God I firmly believe that he will only let you stray so far away before he pulls you back in. You may only require a gentle tug, or a strong yank, but he will pull you back in. And I am so so thankful for his continuous grace. 

At Berea, I was on a pre-med track double majoring in Biology and Chemistry. ‘Twas not fun. Fast forward to the end of my sophomore year and I was living far outside the will of God. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a terrible person and doing anything truly bad. I just mean I wasn’t praying, I wasn’t listening, I wasn’t studying the Word of God, and I wasn’t growing in my relationship with God. But as I just said he always brings us back. And so one day, I awoke early in the morning and found myself in a broken state. I was unmotivated to eat, to drink, to be with friends or family. And it was then that God brought me to my knees. I locked myself away in my dorm room, alone (perks of being an R.A.) and I prayed for the entire day. I turned off my phone, turned away from all distraction and I prayed, harder than I ever had before. And God lifted me up. He renewed my spirit, He gave me hope. And he let me know I was going down the wrong path.

So at the end of the semester, I left Berea and set my sights back to Monticello to take some time and grow and find exactly what God’s will for my life was. Shortly after I returned, I ended up working at a local bank as a teller, quickly became a credit analyst, and now I work as mortgage lender. But the most important thing is that I landed back in Church. I was once again around the people of God. I invested my time and my life in Jesus. And he began to transform me. A couple of years later, I found myself teaching and serving in a high school ministry at my church, and did that for almost 2 years before moving away. This was an incredible experience for me, and at that time I knew I was exactly where the Lord wanted me.

For so long, I have felt the call to the ministry, and to bring the truth that is the gospel to all people. And that is what has led me to the World Race. A dear friend of mine completed her own race a few years back and I followed her on her journey and witnessed through her stories all the lives that she touched and changed forever. I’ve felt the pull towards this since then, and this is the time that the Lord has chosen for me to go.

And through all the trials that the Lord has guided me through, my dreams have never changed. I still seek to see people healed. But rather than being a surgeon, I seek to bring people the Truth and watch as a spiritual healing begins to take hold in their lives. “But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.“ ~ Isaiah 53:5

I will be going on the expedition route in 2020, which will take me through the 10/40 window, an area basically untouched by the Word of God. I pray that as I prepare for and eventually embark on this journey that you would join with me in prayer as I seek to bring the LOVE of JESUS to people all across the globe. And if you would consider partnering with me financially, no matter the amount, I promise you lives will be changed, including mine. 

Many Blessings!
