I heard about gap year from my mom and we also know an old family friends daughter that went. A few days ago my pastor and I were talking and I confessed everything going on in my life and how hard it is to keep your faith and believe when you’re caught up in life. That night when I got home I told my mom about everything in my life holding me back from God. She listened with open arms and didn’t judge my questioning of Gods plan for me. I was going to go to the military right after high school but I never felt peace about it. That same night my mom brought up taking a gap year and doing world race. I was always stuck on the military and never gave anything else a chance but that night I was up all night researching all about world race and I had so much peace in my heart that I have never felt before. Now that I have confessed I believe so strongly that this is Gods plan for my life. I know this is a big step in my life but I am willing to take the challenge, I’m willing for people to laugh at me, I’m willing for people to question me, and I’m willing to put my life in His hands and know that no matter the circumstances God has got my back and He has an amazing calling in my life. If given that opportunity to go on world race I will be the most driven and motivated person to strive to have the best relationship with God and help care for and bring people to love Jesus Christ. With Gods help, I will.

I always grew up going to church with my parents and my sister always knowing the word of god, but I would always just go through the motions of life. I never read the Bible, I barely prayed, and when I did pray it was only when I needed his help. my family and I have our ups and downs but we get through it together. my parents had a very hard season in their lives where they almost got divorced. At that point, I questioned God so much. I didn’t realize he did help me through it by them staying together, I just never realized it. so years later still don’t have a good relationship with God and I was getting bullied at school for leaving my high school football team for a Christian independent team. Then I said this was enough I left my high school and signed up for co-op schooling. This was the best decision of my life just to get away from the influences that school had on my life. Then God called me to go on a missions trip to Nicaragua and god truly showed me that he put me on this earth to help people in need no matter the circumstance.

my relationship with God has never been great I always went to church cause that’s what my parents wanted, for years I’ve been questioning his existence and why bad things happen to me until recently. After talking to my pastor and my mom my eyes so open to the fact that this is a test of life and god will have your back. currently, I’ve vowed to serve him with all my heart and stop trying to please others because their opinion doesn’t matter. now every day I promised my family and friends I will read my bible and pray every day for guidance. I know it will be hard but its never easy. I believe this trip will give me the opportunity to grow in my faith exponentially and helps others grow with me.