Just a lil update:

Hello again, friends!!! Huge thanks to those who have subscribed, taken the time to read my blog posts, and donated. Y’all are seriously the best  🙂 The launch date is getting closer and closer, which is SO exciting, but I’m also freaking out a little bit. I appreciate everyone’s prayer and encouragement. Without it, I would be lost! As the days are getting closer, the deadline for my funding is also coming up. So far, I have about 5,000 dollars raised (seriously so incredible!!!! God is GREAT!), and I have a little over 11,000 more to raise. I totally trust that the Lord with help provide. To help with this process, it would mean the world if y’all could continue spreading the word about this trip! I’m also selling t-shirt’s if anyone is interested. I’m so blessed and thankful to receive all of this love and support. 


Training Camp: 

Currently, I’m in the car with my parents and we’re headed to Gainesville, Georgia! Today is the first day of the 11 day training camp for the race. Surprisingly, I was able to get my 75 L backpack all packed up with my tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, clothes, shoes and much more inside (thanks to Penny and Todd for the help). I will be living in my tent for the next 11 days at the Adventures in Missions base in Gainesville. Considering I’ve never slept in a tent before, this will be interesting. These next 11 days I will be pushed spiritually, physically, and mentally. I expect to be completely out of my comfort zone. Because we are preparing to spend 9 months in foreign countries, we will be trained to face certain scenarios. One day, we take a fitness test where we are expected to hike 2.2 miles in 38 minutes WITH our pretty heavy packs on. My intention for this week is simply “Trust”. During the more challenging situations, when I feel doubtful or discouraged, I am going to push myself to rely on trusting the Lord. Sometimes, if I’m honest, my first instinct isn’t to trust. A lot of times, I have the urge to fix. Instead of sitting with the discomfort, I have a habit of trying to do everything possible in order to fix that feeling. My ultimate goal for my journey ahead (and the rest of my life!) is to get in the habit of trusting. Trusting the Lord and myself. One of my favorite Bible verses, Isaiah 41:10, is a great reminder of why trusting is so powerful. 

“Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my righteous right hand.“ Isaiah 41:10

Prayers for everyone who will be undergoing the training this week would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading my post 🙂 

