Today, I logged on to my email and found a notification that I’ve officially gotten my first donation toward my World Race. It was an emotional moment y’all. I didn’t expect that. But just realizing that I’m supported in this endeavor, that I’m not going halfway around the world alone, means the world to me. Thank you, friends, for this small act to show me that you care. Thank you for responding to my call for partners in ministry. Thank you for everything that you’re going to do for me over the span of the next year and a half. It means more to me than I realized. I can only imagine it will mean even more and more as time passes.

Just know that you have been a light in my world by every small kindness you’ve shown to me in my journey so far. From the likes to the funds to the comments, I couldn’t be more blessed to have a community supporting what God and I are about to do.

And, now, if you’ll excuse, I have some personal messages I need to go write.