Hi! My name is Alex and since this section is all about me, Im just going to tell you some things about myself. ๐
1). How old are you and what have you been doing lately? I am 18 and I have just started my senior year of highschool. Im super excited for it but am sad that it is almost over.
2). Childhood/adolescence: My parents are Samantha and Clay Henrickson and my two sisters are Emilie and Bella. I also have another family in which I don’t live with; parents being Jacqueline Haske, Jerry Turley, and my three sisters Victoria, Elizabeth and Amelia. So basically I have a huge family with lots and lots of love. ๐
We are military (Airforce) and so I have moved around a lot in my lifetime and have got to live in and visit many different places. I was born in Montana, lived in Texas for 9 years, Germany for 2, England for 4 and now I currently live in New Jersey and have been here for 2 years.
3). Your Heart: I love people, sometimes I feel too much. I have great compassion for everyone. I want everyone in the entire world to feel loved, appreciated, accepted, wanted and I want everyone to know Jesus. He is the reason I have such a big heart. We are all his princes and princesses, his sons and daughters, and I want people to know that no matter what they experience or go through in this world, all the pains and struggles, Jesus loves them no matter what.
4). Your interest: I love being active whether it’s working out, dancing, hiking, rock climbing, what ever, I love it! I’m very much a “Lets Go!” type of person. I love adventures. But I’m also very creative. I love drawing, painting, singing and playing on the piano.
5). Strengths/weaknesses: My strengths are my love and compassion towards others. I am very organised. I have determination and perseverance in the things I do. I am willing to step up wherever I am needed. The biggest weakness I have is anxiety. I do worry and fret over many things. It never hinders me from doing what God has called me to do but it is definitely a thorn in my side.
6). Your Spiritual Journey: I came to know the Lord at age 7 but I really gave my all to him at age 15. This is where he revealed to me a part of the mission he had for my life – to tell people about Jesus in Syria. Now as I’ve gotten older he has revealed more to me – I am to tell all the nations about him. This really was established on a trip I went to with my youth group a few weeks ago, Life Awaken 2019 in Orlando Florida. It was absolutely amazing and the Lord really spoke to me there.
I’ve had many people help me on my spiritual journey but my main supporters are my parents, especially my mom. Me and her are like best friends. I tell her everything and whenever I am feeling down or discouraged she always has the right words to encourage me. She is my cheerleader. My dad is also amazing. He is so patient and kind and has so much biblical knowledge, especially in the apologetics area. God has given him such an amazing mind where he stores and keeps information when I always seem to forget it. Without them I wouldn’t know the Lord or be as mature as I am spiritually today.
7). Why the World Race? I know I have been called by God to tell all the nations about Jesus and the World Race Gap year is an excellent place to start. I don’t feel a need for college yet as there is nothing in particular I want to pursue there and it would just put me in dept. If the Lord calls me there later then I will go but as of right now he has called me to the World Race. Through this experience I want the Lord to grow me and hopefully by the end of it he will tell me where he wants me to go next.
8). How can we Pray for You? I have only just begun this journey and I have a long way to go. I need prayer that the Lord will give me strength and peace through this journey and that I will put all my trust in him. Senior year is going to be very busy and I am going to have to be very organised to balance school, church and World Race Fundraising which is going to be a challenge in itself. But I know God is going to use these challenges for me to lean on him and so to him all the glory because I cannot do this alone.
So those are just a few things for you to know me better and I would also love to get to know you. Therefore if you would like to contact me you totally can as my info is on my blog page. ๐