This is something I wrote right before Thanksgiving while my squad had covid. As we enter the last month of the race these words hold still hold true and I know they will long after the race.



Thank you for the people I eat meals with
The ones I send my time with
Those that are like sisters
And the ones I call my brother
A seat at the table
A place to belong
The story you have given me
And what’s get to come

This world ain’t always easy
But still you are good
So I will lift a praise
To your glorious name

Thank you for the smiles and the laughter
Storms and what comes after
Tears and the pain
Bright shining days
Fond memories
Songs we love to sing
Words that hold power
And happy little stories

Thank you for your son on the cross
The parables He thought
The sermon on the mount
And the bridging of the gap
Miracles that happen
Mountains that are moved
Prays that are answered
And how the church looks to you