My trip is so close which means hard deadlines are even closer! As my school semester has come to an end and other big decisions have been made, I am excited for what I am to learn on this trip and be reminded of my purpose while I am away: not only share, but show the love of Christ. I am so thankful and feeling very blessed from the support given so far and I cannot thank you all enough. The picture below still has available boxes! For those of you who do not know, the number of the box represents the amount you get to donate! for example, the box with the 6 on it corresponds to a $6 donation (: 

I am still unable to finance the rest on my own as I would hope to. I am finding myself stressed as I’m not guaranteed to go on the trip. Its hard to ask for help and be open in that way. I cant guarantee what’s happening next, but I know I really want to go and am having faith in that. At the beginning it was happening so fast and I thought it was meant to be. As the time is close, I’m not sure how it looks but I know that I do want to go and feel like I’m supposed to.

I am scheduled to  leave a day after my 20th birthday on May 30th and would like to ask for more support in any way you can give!  I am praying for a continued peace and guidance through this process.Thank you !