whats up!! I haven’t written anything in awhile, so here’s a little update regarding all things corona and world race.
I’m sure a whole bunch of you are wondering what the heck is happening with the race during all this pandemic stuff. valid questions!! honestly, I have the same ones as you! But this is what I know:
I am now set to launch to Romania on September 5, which is only 4 days after my regularly scheduled date. AIM is monitoring whats going on in the countries I’ll be living in and I won’t really know any updates beyond that until later. They obviously care about out safety a lot so I completely trust them to do what’s best for us! With that being said, in the event that it does get cancelled, here’s the backup plan.
Only if we cannot launch in September, my team and I would still meet at the Adventures base in Gainesville GA (close to home for me!!) and take part in leadership training, spiritual development, and team building until about January when we will hopefully be able to launch out into the field. I won’t know for sure until July 31st.
Inevitably and understandably, I’m sure as my supporters and friends you all are wondering if this is still the best option for me. I can confidently say it is after prayerfully considering it, weighing all my options, and talking to some of my teammates. I even got a random email today from a website called “FutureMe”. I apparently wrote myself a letter two years ago to send to me today. It was all about the race and how no matter what, this is where I’ve been called and to be confident in that calling.
The bottom line is, none of this is a surprise to God and He will make a way for what He knows is best for me. At this point, I am confident it is still the race. I still have roughly $13,000 to raise which is really really tough. I completely trust God and I believe He will provide that money either way. You have the opportunity to walk alongside me and be apart of the calling He has placed on my life by praying or giving.
As for other updates, life is good and I’m thankful for the things I have during quarantine. In January I was able to attend Passion Conference, which was the most amazing couple days. I still think about it pretty much daily, I could write 10 blog posts on everything I learned. It so cool to see God moving in such a tangible way, I cannot imagine how exciting heaven will be. In February three friends I met on my Guatemala mission trip flew in to spend some time together here in Newnan. It was fun showing them around my home and then some World Race teammates flew and drove from all over the country to Gainesville for a World Race open house! They spent a little time at my house and it was such a wonderful weekend being able to meet and love on each other. In March, my sweet friend Dani from my Guatemala trip drove from South Carolina to surprise me for my birthday. A couple days after that, I had my last day of school. Since then, things have slowed down and I’ve been reading a lot and watching Passion City Church online on Sundays.
I know this blog isn’t a super profound “what I’m learning” one, just something to simply update everyone. I am praying for all of you in the midst of this weird and uncharted time in quarantine.
Here are some prayer requests for me:
– Navigating fundraising through the quarantine for me and my teammates
– processing what it means to not go back to school and to find joy in the change of normal life.
– That my teammates and I can continue fostering and growing the relationships we already have!! I am so thankful for them already.