Over the past two months communion has become something so sweet to me. My roommate and I got into the routine of taking communion once a week and wow it really began to shift my perspective of the table. I’ve seen that each and every time I approach the table, He meets me there. He has gone before me and prepared a beautiful place setting for me. He pulls out my chair for me. He hands me the bread and the cup and invites me to partake in His new covenant. He does it all. All I have to do is sit at His table – sit, rest, abide. I’ve learned more of what Jesus’ words meant and the weight that they carried and the gift that remembering His sacrifice and invitation is. My understanding of communion has begun to unfold more and more as I sit with Him at the table.

I don’t know why I thought that in a Christian community we wouldn’t be doing communion lol, but that was one of my thoughts after leaving home. The idea of leaving this new routine of communion once a week behind made me really sad. But, the Lord is so kind. One of the norms we have in place is to partake in communion once a week!

At the end of week one we found ourselves in a natural hot spring surrounded by nature. It was truly a dream. We had some fresca and some bread with us, so we took communion together in the hot spring! As one of our squad leaders was leading us in communion, I looked up and a little humming bird was buzzing around us. I feel like that little humming bird was God’s way of telling me that He sees and remembers me as I am remembering Him and the gift of Jesus during communion. Birds, humming birds in particular, are so special to me and a way that God speaks to me. Maybe I’ll do a blog post about how God speaks to me with birds – I know it sounds silly, but it means the world to me that He sends me birds. Anyways, enough about my birds. I felt Him in such a real and tender way that day. Just like how the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters in Genesis 1:2, He was hovering over the waters of the hot springs that day. Holy Spirit fell fresh and was moving and resting on us. I felt intimacy and community collide in the sweetest of ways that day. I am only just beginning to know these people and learning their hearts and backgrounds, but I felt so close to them in the spring that day. The blood of Jesus is what turns us from strangers to brothers and sisters. The table is a place where we can all be united under Him. The blood of Jesus breaks down all walls and the things of this world being to fall as we remember that in Him we are ONE.

It is crazy for me to realize that it has only been 17 days since leaving Jacksonville and only 13 days of being in Costa Rica. Because lemme tell ya, the Lord has been doing A LOT. I am excited to begin to share more about that as time and WiFi permits. I love you all so very much and I am thankful for all of the prayers.

All my love!
