A U S T R A L I A 
A month of learning and refining. 
Learning how to rest in the love of the Father. Learning how to be okay with not knowing all the details. Learning how do ministry of all kinds. 
Knowing with all my heart that being here, with these people, at this exact time, is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. Knowing it’s not by my own doing either, but by Gods calling and perfect timing that I’m here.
How sweet it is to say yes to God and living in real fulfillment. Instead of searching and searching for what’s next out of what I think is going to “fill” me. When I do that I only feel empty and confused. To be truly satisfied and full of joy because saying yes to God has changed my life. Even though it’s uncomfortable at times, even though I’m scared of what people will think of me. It’s worth walking through that because Jesus gives you freedom from depression, anxiety, loneliness, anger, fear and so much more. He’s knocking on the door of your heart? Will you open it? So He can give you true freedom, so He can restore the relationships in your life, so He can show you what real love is.
It’s not this big complicated thing like we make it. It’s simple. It’s relational. You are not meant to live in emptiness and despair, thinking “what’s the point.” Jesus died for you so you can have real freedom, real love, real fulfillment. Yeah bad things happen in life we don’t understand, and it sucks to lose the people we love. It’s hard to walk through trials of various kinds. It doesn’t make sense why. I get that. At rock bottom in my anger and confusion I went to God. I asked for help out of a pure searching heart. He showed up, He took it away and gave me freedom, love, joy, and peace. Like what!? I didn’t know that could happen. But it did and I experienced God for the first time. I realized why people always went on about the “God thing” it’s because there is REAL freedom from whatever you’re facing. I know because I experienced it on my own, and it was real.  I thought people were crazy when they said stuff like this. 
But once it happens to you, how can you keep it to yourself. It’s a gift to give away, for others to have freedom and redemption. I won’t keep it myself not when I’m living my best life because Jesus met me where I was at and saved me. 

“Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come to him and eat with him, and he with me.” 
Revelaton 3:20