Well, we have arrived to our home in Livingstone, Zambia. 

Unfortunately we are 1 teammate short.

From the first day of training camp Bailey had been horribly sick, she fought through it the first few days and then went to a local clinic in Georgia, the doctors really didn’t say much and gave her some more medicine on top of what she had already been taking. She started to feel better and then got worse, I think it was like a rollercoaster ride. She launched with us on Monday morning (still feeling horribly sick). We spent about 10 hours at the airport before our first flight which was a 10 hour flight. After that flight we spent the day in London before our next flight. We walked all around London and ate breakfast at a really cool place. Throughout the whole day Bailey just kept getting sick over and over again. We took a long train ride and I think that just made it worse for her.  Once we got back to the airport she made the really hard decision to go home. From day one Bailey fought so so hard and just couldn’t fight anymore. Bailey always was so happy even she was hurting so bad. Her personality is something that the whole team misses.  I know it was a very hard decision for her and it also hit our team really hard.. I felt like a little kid crying in the airport. BUT there is a chance that she may be able to join us when she starts feeling better so we are all looking forward and hoping for that.  Bailey when you read this……. WE LOVE AND MISS YOU


Now for the happy part! We arrived in Zambia on Wednesday in a town called Lusaka. The guy that runs our ministry had sent a few guys on a bus to come and get us and took us to a hostel for the night where we all had showers and air conditioning! The next morning we woke up and drove about 7 hours to our ministry home in Livingstone. This place is INCREDIBLE. The people are so so friendly. All the kids look at us and are so happy to see us  Our house is perfect for us and everyone welcomed us with loving arms. We will spend about three weeks here before heading to Zimbabwe. I’m so excited to see the things God is doing through our team. 

We start ministry on Monday and get to have our first church service tomorrow morning! I’m so excited to get things started because it just feels like we are here doing nothing. Our team is playing a few songs at church tomorrow morning and am super excited for that! We will be in schools throughout the week in the mornings and then at night doing either sports ministry or street evangelism.

I’ve tried to update everyone at home but the closest wifi shop is about a 30 minute walk and trying to avoid having to take a taxi everywhere, so if I missed you I apologize. I will be trying to update my blog as often as possible but it may be a week or two before I can post again. As always, keep my team in your prayers. Love you all!


 My team and I would love to pray for you so if you have anything you are struggling with please reach out and email me @ [email protected]