Ever since landing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last Wednesday, life has been a whirlwind of exciting events! We have spent the majority of our time with the 30-40 amazing children living at the orphanage, and it’s exciting to say that I remember most of their names… but some are still a challenge! 

As the days pass, we are becoming more and more involved with the children’s activities, particularly the worship sessions (Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons) and the two English classes (split up by older and younger kids). Starting today, we will be fully teaching the English classes for all of the kids until we leave in three-ish weeks. Most of the children know a good amount of English already, and many of the older boys and girls want to be translators! 

One of the most powerful experiences I’ve had here so far is attending the worship sessions with the kids. On Saturday night, I was able to give a quick lesson on God’s strength, translating through one of the older boys, Sothea. We were also able to hear the kids sing worship songs in Khmer, the native language, and the Holy Spirit was so present! 

We have had lots of free time to grow as a team, as well as individually, which we are all very thankful for. Whether it be bike rides, discovering the nearby city of Kampong Cham, climbing ancient temple ruins, visiting with monkeys, or yes! – even cutting my hair off! – I have been able to connect with the girls on my team in ways I never dreamed possible! I’m so thankful for God’s persistence in bringing us closer. 

Prayer requests: 

  • Our translator, an American man who is currently living with our host, has been sick! He (Courtney) is very involved with the kids and acts as their friend, mentor, and English teacher. Please pray for rejuvenation and energy as he loves on the kids here. 
  • One of the sweet boys we have been getting to know, Sopon, appears to have eaten something poisonous a couple nights ago and is not doing well. However, even when he was ill yesterday, he still got up to help us wash our laundry. What a champ! Please pray that his system will be healed and that he would feel better soon.  
  • Finally, our team has been dealing with a lot of spiritual attacks since being here. People have been getting randomly sick for no reason, having a lot of anxiety, and been unable to sleep. Please pray that any evil spirits would leave and that we would be so aware of God’s presence as we serve. 