An entirely brand new (and uncharted) chapter of my life has opened! God has been so faithful to be in this process of applying and interviewing for the World Race: Semester. I’ll be posting here quite often with fundraising updates, prayer requests, and personal reflections and devotions as a prepare to share the Gospel with the people of Southern Africa this summer!



“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8



I have the pleasure to join the World Race this summer to spread the Word of God in Swaziland ! I’ll be joining a team of college-aged students, just like me, as we embark on a one-month journey filled with ministry, volunteerism, and community. 

What is the World Race: Semesters? I’ll be embarking on a one-month journey to Africa, where I’ll spend the month of June in Swaziland . During my time away over the summer, I’ll be teaching English and spreading the good news of the Gospel to orphans, HIV/AIDS victims, and at-risk youth of Southern Africa. 

What will you be doing in Swaziland? During my first month on the Race, I’ll be partnering with Children’s Hope Chest to serve and ministered to orphaned children and HIV/AIDS victims. We will establish care points- safe spaces for the youth of Swaziland where my team and I will be serving to empower the next generation of Christ-followers.

What is that $4,700 going towards? This money covers food, lodging, travel and medical insurance, coaching, debrief, training, and administrative costs prior to and throughout my time on the Race. However, it does not cover vaccinations, travel to and from my training camp (in Atlanta, GA), travel to my launch location (TBA), and travel home from the major U.S. city that I will fly into at the conclusion of my Race in August.

ALL support helps! Please help me get halfway across the world to share the good news of Jesus to those in need! God bless!