Nicaragua lifestyle is a special one. One where toads and chickens live in your bathroom (and occasionally lay eggs), goats greet you before breakfast, and the local rooster calls out every five minutes! Despite the strange things that go on here I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

The people of Nicaragua love their country and love to welcome people in. I especially learned this from the painter I worked with all week named José. José was proud to be painting our school and working with us and that showed through his passion for making the school as beautiful as possible despite limited resources.

A special moment from this week has to be when we were working in the classrooms and José would play his music, it was almost always worship with the occasional Titanic in the background. One day, after having listened to two days of Spanish worship, José came in playing English music! Now his English is very broken but he memorized the words to sing along with me as we worked. José is the kind of person that brings joy to a room instantly and has shed a light on my time here in Nicaragua and what this beautiful country has to offer!