This was me a year ago.. soo excited to graduate high school and sooo excited to start my adventure of a gap year.
I found myself gardening in Romania, playing soccer in Guatemala, and helping with medical clinics in Ecuador… but like we always said on the race.. our adventures aren’t over they are only just beginning!
Here I am now… a year later… changed and loving life with Abba.
Here I am a year later ready to continue on in my adventures, and I’m staying with Adventures for the next 5 months for CGA!! CGA, or Center for Global Action is a leadership and discipleship program based in Georgia. I will be there from August to December being discipled by amazing Adventures staff and digging deeper into who I am, while being equipped with tools to bring kingdom here on earth!
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out! And if you want to donate feel free to hit the Donate button above, and of course be expecting some future blogs, but on a new link!