I’m the type of person that I usually don’t add someone on social media unless I actually know them in person. I’d much rather get to know someone in person than through my phone. However, with my squad that just hasn’t been possible. It’s been interesting for me to get to know them all through our group chat or individual conversations. While I want to get to know them all, sometimes it’s hard for me. But I’ve been thinking about how these 20 people will be my community, my family for the next 11 months. This excites me so much!!!!


So I write this for you D Squad. 


To my squad:

I’m excited to get to know you. But not just get to know your favorite color or foods, but to really get to know you. To get to know your strengths, your weaknesses. To get to know what brings you joy and what brings you down. To get to know what you need when things are hard, or how to keep pushing you when things seem easy.

I’m excited to learn all of your stories and how the Lord brought you to this place. To learn your hopes and dreams and ambitions and to watch the Lord shape those over this next year.

I’m excited to serve along side you. To watch you love and serve others like Jesus. To see His love radiate through your lives as you give hope to anyone we encounter.

I’m excited to laugh and cry with you, or cry because we were laughing so hard.

I’m excited to learn more about who God created us each to be so we can lean into that and live the life He has called us all to. To chase after Jesus along side you.

I’m excited to see the Lord move mountains through you. To see Him shine bright through you as you give Him a radical yes everyday.

I’m excited to do life together and live in authentic community with you all. To learn about the countries we will be in. To navigate all the obstacles we will face. To be challenged and pushed out of our comfort zones on a whole new level.

I’m excited to encourage you and speak life into you. To challenge you and speak hard truth into you. And for you to do the same to me even if it’s uncomfortable and hard.

I’m so very excited to go on this journey with you all. I know the Lord has brought us all together for a purpose, and I can’t wait to see that purpose lived out!

I love you all already! And I’ll see you all in a short few months!



