Hi Friends! 

I’m Sydney and this is my blog. If you know me, you may be surprised to find out I have a blog. This is because I am not a writer by any means and I do not enjoy anything to do with language arts. However God saw this in me and thought ‘she is the perfect candidate for this’. He doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. So here I am writing on my blog. This is where I will share other ways God is using me, my failures, my pain, glorifying moments in my life and my experience on The World Race. So here are some things you should know about me:

I love traveling. Whether it is a 2 hour drive to see some friends or a 15 hour plane ride to another country.

I love coffee!

Playing with kids can instantly bring joy to my life

I proudly serve at a summer camp in Millersburg, Ohio. This experience has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.

I have two awesome siblings, Noelle and Cogan. P.S. I am the youngest.

My puppy, who is 100 pounds, is my best pal.

I enjoy playing sports, mostly volleyball.

I weirdly enjoy math!

I like artsy things even though I am not the most creative.

I love to play card games.

I have incredible friends who I am so blessed to be able to spend time with. 

I love Jesus

I am a child of the one true King. Just when I think I know what’s next God twists it all around to remind me I am his and he has a plan. “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.'” Isaiah 6:8. So here I am with my arms wide open. I am unsure what these 9 months will look like, but I am ready to go. I am ready to follow you lord.

With love, 


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