What’s going on blog world?!?! So, never have I ever posted so much as a single thread on any social media network ever in the history of the universe so if you’re reading this friends- you’re quite literally witnessing history. Bear with me as I embark on this semi daunting task for myself because I kind of, in a way, just slightly, haven’t the faintest idea what I’m doing. I know this is long overdue because I’ve long been a pessimist in regards to the inner and outer workings of social media/ blogging but the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to how selfish I’ve been. God has disrupted every single preconceived notion of the “evils” of social media that I had so obliviously developed in my own self-righteous belief system. He’s shown me that blogging is a very effective way of furthering his kingdom whereas I saw blogging as a means to be self-centered and attention seeking. He’s shown me that my voice most definitely matters to him and now that’s all that matters to me. So, watch out!!!!!! I’m a blogger now. Without further ado, I’m going to do what any great blogger would do and tell you about my amazing experience at training camp.

Training Camp is preparation for the World Race. It’s a ten day camp in Gainesville, Georgia where future racers are given several different scenarios they might run into while out in the field. We ate outside every day as one big team, took bucket showers, and essentially learned how to live for the next year while in various foreign countries. I learned the importance of packing light, setting my tent up properly, and respecting other cultures, but most of all I learned the importance of community. For the first time in my life I understood just how crucial it is to surround myself with a community of people all set on making Gods kingdom grow. I met some unbelievable people whom I’m certain I will develop lifelong friendships with. God humbled me greatly to show me that I can’t put Him in a box and keep Him to myself. He showed me that His kingdom truly is a community that is focused on worshipping Him. That can’t happen unless people are told about Jesus.  There’s no greater calling than to be a part of a community focused on worshipping God and telling people of His great love for them. Training camp really shook me to my core and I’m now more excited than ever to be going on the World Race with my newfound family in O-Squad.

Whether it be blogging for the first time or learning just what community is all about, God has really been showing me some awesome new stuff. I watched Him come alive at Training Camp and breathe life into all of us. He’s going to show up big time while we’re on the race and after we return. I get the feeling none of us racers have any idea just how amazing this is going to be and I can’t wait.