Have you ever asked someone if they loved you and they responded with “no not anymore.” How about being so excited about an opportunity and the response was “we think you need more time.” Maybe you put so much time and effort into something, and it still wasn’t enough? Or worse, that perhaps the world would be better without you? These are all responses and circumstances that I faced a couple of years ago.

Here is my story. I got my heart broken by a guy, the timing wasn’t right for The World Race, I spent a lot of time on the bench during my college basketball career, and I believed my own life wasn’t worth living. Sounds like a sad story right? A girl rejected by pretty much every aspect of life. I use to think that too, but now I have learned rejection means something different in God’s eyes. Like for instance, “I have something better, “hey not yet,” “trust the process,” and “hold on a little bit longer.”

In John 13:7 Jesus tells us, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” I believe the reason God doesn’t let us know what we are about to go through is that if he did, we would have never gone through with it. No one wants to hurt like that. I know I didn’t. However, that is when faith comes knocking at the door to be invited in. Faith is saying, “ Okay I have no idea what may come my way, but God I trust you.” We all know and probably have said this phrase, “actions speak louder than words”. Think about it. That is exactly what God wants us to do. James 2:17 states, “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Don’t just say you have faith LIVE it out.

Hold steadfast to this, every single detail that happens in our lives does not surprise God. Everything and I mean everything, goes through His hands first, and then to us. He knew all the mistakes, heartbreaks, non-acceptance letters; no callbacks from that job, divorce and the list can go on. AND STILL, He decided to choose you and me to be here and to have a purpose.

As I even write this, I feel the sense of rejection because in English class writing prompts were never my forte. I am also pretty sure I got C’s on all of them. Nevertheless, I am reminded that it is not about the grammar or punctuation marks, which I’m sure I missed some. It is about being vulnerable and being open. To allow God to show how He takes insecure to secure.

Rejection IS GOING to happen. It is a part of life that we ALL have to go through. However, I think that when we feel this way, God is trying to invite us to see and know our worth through His image! (Check out Psalm 139:14 if you do not believe me) I’m talking to you too fellas. You are enough, and most importantly, He is enough.

So when the feeling of rejection tries to creep in, remind yourself that God handpicked you. He created you for more.