If you are on the Parent Facebook page, you know that Racers have been given the chance to invite their parents to a Parent Event that covers the first 24 hours of Launch. The decision is completely theirs and we ask you to respect it. Whether or not you are invited does not always reflect the status of your relationship. It’s important that they concentrate on launching well. Their Race starts when they arrive in Atlanta, not when they leave the U.S. For some Racers, having you there is fine. For others, it may inhibit their ability to concentrate on their task at hand.

After each Launch, I ask parents this question:  What advice would you give future parents who are trying to decide whether or not to come to Launch?  Here are all the responses I received a recent launch (just as they gave them, unedited)

I would strongly encourage them to come. If they are if-y about the experience, they will feel so much more at peace. I was already excited about Seth going, but we left Launch totally pumped and more than a little jealous. We’ve worked with many organizations over the years and were totally impressed with everything we heard from AIM. It was so obvious that y’all have your act together. I told one friend that y’all have backup plans for backup plans for backup plans. Think the coaches idea is the best one ever. It gave me more peace of mind because I knew someone would be laying eyes on my child’s spiritual, physical, and mental state several times in his journey.

If at all possible, make the sacrifice of time and money and GO….just do it!

If they can afford to come, I would highly recommend attending! I found it invaluable in hearing the heartbeat of AIM, meeting some of the key leaders, meeting my daughter’s team mates and their parents! I cannot believe all that was accomplished in the space of 24 hours and how we (my husband and I) appreciated being invited to attend. There are just some things that cannot be conveyed through emails or telephone conversations. Meeting you all and being there in person was a HUGE benefit in being able to release, relinquish, and bless my daughter to GO!

If your Racer wants you to come, come! Meeting the other team members and squad members was one of the sweetest parts as I was able to connect faces and names to people I had been praying about for awhile.

It is so important to come. My husband and I knew very little about The World Race. Very informative. Help to calm my fears. I know you are looking out for her. Would be nice to all eat on Saturday night together. Parents could pay and have a nice dinner at hotel.

It is very much worth the time and travel expense to get the information presented and to be able to spend the last couple of days with your racer.

it was amazing and I am so happy we went

It’s a very helpful step in the process of letting go, but if you cannot financially do it, being on the Facebook page for parents is a huge help as well.

Just come and have even those hidden doubts and fears removed. Even though I totally supported my daughter’s decision to follow God’s leading, getting to know the quality staff at AIM/WR,hearing their heart and passion, being assured of the many safeguards and organizational structure they have put into place to protect our children helped more than words could express! Meeting the girls on my daughter’s team gave me so much joy and a great little glimpse into the beautiful girls that will be loving and supporting my baby for the next 11 months! Also in meeting other parents,especially ones from my daughter’s team, I experienced an immediate bond. They could understand the emotions I have been feeling like no others! All I can say is GO TO THE PARENT LAUNCH!! ??

Make every effort to go / attend. The opportunity to ‘feel the heartbeat’ of the organization through those that represent and are a part of the organization is eye-opening and invaluable. To see, hear, and know that the racers aren’t being out there alone (yes, God is always with them) but there will be troops (support) on the ground periodically to provide hands-on time with the racers is an additional ‘safety net’ to make sure things don’t fall through the cracks is invaluable and really bolstered my peace and further impressed me with the organization of AIM.

My anxiety level was much lower after meeting the highly capable and caring staff. Sharing this time with other parents going through the same thing was also helpful. There is also a lot of thought and intent as to why AIM does certain things and I think it is helpful to hear that directly from the leadership. I was so glad I attend and would encourage future parents to attend as well.

Parents do NOT need to miss this event! We walked into the room with anxiety and questions. We walked out with faith and answers!

SOOOOO worth it!

The Launch is kind of like John 8:32, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Not knowing is bondage; knowing is freedom. I have a lot of confidence in AIM, due to a past one-month mission trip my daughter went on in Peru. I learned to trust in her trust in God, and in her ability to research mission options when it was on her heart to serve in this way. However, if parents are unfamiliar with AIM, the Launch gives you a wonderful opportunity to meet and speak with AIM’s leaders and staff, and to see all the forethought and preparation that goes into each mission. Plus, you get to meet your adult child’s team and their parents, as well as others in his/her squad. You’ll see how health and safety are a priority with AIM, as well as prayer and seeking God for wisdom. If you can make it, you’ll never regret the time and money you invested to help in your adult child’s launch!

They may not know much about Adventures in Missions & WR, and this session will help them to know what their young men & women are about to do. Knowing what is involved gave me a sense of peace that God is leading & I want everything He has not just for my son but for me. I was sharing with a couple of friends that I feel like I’m on a journey myself. I may not be leaving home, but it is a spiritual journey for me too to abandon those weights that cling to me to run with perseverance the race set before me. I need brokenness too in several areas of my life; total dependence on God, especially when it comes to praying. I was challenged & hopefully they will be too.

They should absolutely attend. When our son went on the Race (F Squad), he did not invite us to attend the launch. This time he wanted us there and it was wonderful. Being a part of the Launch answered questions, filled in the blanks, tied up loose ends and put so many worries at ease. Meeting and connecting with other parents and their Racers was amazing. And the Spirit of the Lord was at work. My husband came home very excited. He literally said, “Now I get it.” The Launch has made us feel a part of this amazing journey. Obviously, I highly recommend it to future Race parents. Thank you for letting us attend as the parents of a Squad Leader.

Try and make arrangements to come if you are invited. It was very special that our racer invited us. We really thought getting to know the team parents was really helpful and meaningful. Meeting her team was also very, very meaningful because it was more than just a face in a picture.   Read everything you can and are provided to you so that this session is more about being with other parents and really sharing the experience.

Very worthwhile. Feel much more connected to the journey. Excellent opportunity to learn about what supports the racers have, and the heart of the AIM staff & volunteers. Exciting to hear what God is doing.

You MUST come to launch. The fear of the unknown is put to rest. The staff go above and beyond to recognize each issue and answer them accordingly. They also do an excellent job of balancing between parent info and racer privacy. I cannot imagine not attending this event!


Definitely attend if possible.

Don’t think twice…GO. You will be so glad you did!

For your childs sake and your own sanity, don’t miss it!!


Have them look at what past racer parents have said about their launch experience. I assume you will get all “definitely satisfied” marks for the event.

I am a firm believer they need every inch of support during this time of transformation.

Finances play an important role but that last hug, that last kiss, that last word of encouragement can move a mountain. They need you at the launch no questions asked!!!!