Everyday God becomes more real to me. I am starting to see healthy choices turn into patterns and the problems that I’ve struggled with become more distant. When old habits die, God reveals new character traits to work on! Lately mine has been…drumroll pls….


My friends always joked that I would never be the mom of the group. Most of the time I was the trouble child that my friends had to track down or take care of. I’m not naturally nurturing and every time my sisters would try to hug me for too long I would yell at them for “breathing my air.” I can definitely laugh at my anal first-born tendencies however when it comes down to it, I am very self-focused. 

Now I hear from God to give up my comfortable bed in my cushy NYC apartment and live out of a backpack for a year with people I’ve never met in countries I’ve never heard of. To wear a total of 10 t-shirts for 11 months. To spend 11 months straight completely devoted to serving others at the sacrifice of my own comfort. 

UGH! But. Everyday I have a choice to surrender my earthly desires to His will. I do believe that by helping other people you truly help yourself. By focusing less on me and more on how I can be of service to my friends, family and even strangers I am continuing to grow in areas I was sedentary in for so long. 

I don’t believe serving others means you have to spend 11 months traveling across the world. We are called to “go tell it” in the city, or at our workplaces, or at even at a local Target.  My mountain right now is my workplace, my home and even my church. When I stop catch my breath I’m reminded to stop worrying about the uphill battle and instead look around me to see who I can help up this mountain. 

I don’t have to be at the top seeing everything clearly to begin preaching my testimony or serving others. God uses us when we are out of breath, exhausted and dirty. He uses us even if we’re completely out of shape and unfit to serve. 

Because when we tell it on the mountains, God will move them.