Hey guys! So many of you probably don’t know the true reason behind my decision to apply, let alone go on the World Race. Well today, right now, you’re going to find out the reason behind it. 

Starting back on June 1, 2018 I had a prophetic dream that last the entire month of June. ALL 30 days of June! Every night would be the same dream only slightly different. So the first night I dreamt I was walking along a dirt road with a bunch of gear on my back which included a tent and I was with a group of people I have never met before. I wasn’t scared or worried in my dream it seemed like I had already met these people and that we were traveling together. Then I woke up. Extremely confused but I was like okay that was a weird dream. the next night I had a similar dream. Only this time instead of walking me and this group of people, who I have NEVER met in real life, had set up camp and were getting ready to go out and talk to the locals. I could tell that I wasn’t in the US by the clothing the people were wearing. I woke up up again I was confused why I had dreamt about a group of people I knew nothing about, and was also confused why I was camping with this group of people in a clearly foreign country. This dream last every night for 30 days!! Some nights my dream would be so descriptive that I could tell you in detail what someone’s house looked like, the size of their steps, the curtain they have hanging on their windows. The fact the the house are lifted and you can see the support beams when standing on the ground! Some nights it would just be me walking with a few other and we would be talking with the locals, or kicking a soccer ball with some kids, sometimes we were simply handing out gum to a group of kids in a school. Every morning I would wake up even more confused because I didn’t know what it meant! I would pray about it daily and still God took His time to reveal exactly what it meant to me. Apparently there was something I needed to see and learn and also have Faith in what He was showing me. 

July started and the dreams stopped. I thought to myself FINALLY!! Now I might get some answers as to why I had a constant dream for 4 weeks straight. I didn’t receive anything until the morning July 4. That morning I was just scrolling through facebook when I came across the ad for World Race. Not knowing or ever hearing about this organization I scrolled past. After getting bored and checking up on friends I closed out of facebook and then I heard this voice ever so quietly telling me to go click on the link for World Race. I want to be able to tell you I did just that but I can’t. I thought I had misheard someone in my house so I got up to go look. No one was inside besides me. So I just brushed it off. I did the same thing for several days. I would see the link for World Race but I would scroll on by. Around July 8 or 9 I FINALLY heard God speaking to me loud enough to where I was obedient daughter and finally open the link. There I saw the link about traveling 11 countries in 11 months and it fit my age so I opened it. The first thing that popped up was the JUNE 2019 race. I scrolled through the other routes that were open just looking not really sure what I was doing. I kept hearing God tell me to click on the June route. So I did and I looked at the countries and watched the videos attached to the different countries. And I kid you NOT everything in my dreams down to the descriptive ones were in those videos!!!! It was bone chilling!!! Still is spine-tingling amazing! I prayed about it even talked to a few people about what my dream meant and what this website meant as well. My logical brain was in awe! No way could everything I dreamt align so perfectly and so clearly to this organization I had never heard of before but it did!! So I continued to pray throughout the weekend asking my friends to pray with me as well and Sunday morning God told me to apply for the June 2019 route. So I did and I got accepted. 

I honestly never thought God would speak so clearly to me. Let alone align everything so perfectly and be sent across the world to do what He has clearly called me to do. The countries I will be going to are Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Morocco, Ethiopia, Djibouti, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia. I have no idea what God has in store for me and my team once we get to these countries. One thing I do know for sure is that God has place this calling in my heart and I am answering His call.