
Go – move from one place or point to another; travel.

We all go, go, go, every single day. Go to work. Go home. Go to the store. Go on vacation. Go to a friends house. While this “go” is so monotonous in our daily life I was ready to step out of that comfortable go and go for the Kingdom.

I woke up one Monday morning with such a strong tug on my heart to apply for the world race. This tug could have only come from God because honestly, I had not thought about the World Race for a couple years.

I hopped out of bed, ran to get my computer and immediately started my application. Went through the process of submitting it and scheduling a chat with someone from Adventures in Missions.

Anxiously awaiting a call from a Georgia number, my phone rang on a Friday afternoon. One million thoughts running through my head. I answered the phone, nervously pacing on my front porch waiting to hear the news.


There will never be enough words to describe how I felt at that very moment.

I am not going to wish these next 11 months before the race away. Why? Because the upcoming months I have to spend time with friends, family, grow in the word, prepare for the journey that God has called me to and eat Chick-Fil-A(;

When God calls, you better go, because He never disappoints.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'”
Mark 16:15