Life is like a new pair of shoes. Have you ever thought that before?

I just got my hiking shoes for the race, and I’m starting to break them in. 


Life hits us with new things all the time! New jobs, new season, new relationships, a new home, and maybe a new calling. 

It looks great from the outside, not having to purchase it or apply for it. Once you do, once you buy those shoes, enter into that relationship, step into God’s calling, then it gets painful, like my hiking shoes. 

Through the first move of putting those shoes on, entering that new season, you don’t know what to expect. It’s all new, you might be getting comments about your choice, some people may approve and others think it’s weird, and you made a bad purchase. 


Through the wearing- in of these shoes (life), you get blisters, possible bleeding, and shin splints. It hurts, and you don’t want to wear those shoes again, you don’t want to enter into that relationship, you don’t want to buy or enter into exactly what God has for you. 

BUT! There’s a but, don’t worry…

You need to put on those shoes again. Walk through the pain and blisters. They’ll heal. It’s not permanent. The pain will pass. And after the pain will be joy, peace, love. Romans 8:18 says that the pain we endure today, doesn’t compare to the joy that’s coming. The pain you will walk through (through making those decisions) will ultimately never compare to the pain that Jesus went through on the cross. So, you can do it this, if he went through that!

Buy those new shoes.