Welcome family, friends and acquaintances to my blog!


My name is Trevor Regan! Some of ya’ll don’t know me very well. So, here is some stuff about me.


Stuff about me

– I’m 19 years old

– I’m a Young Life leader

– I love everything that has to do with the outdoors

– I have bad hearing

– I’m a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do

– I love 60’s and Country music

– I love Lord Of The Rings and Star Wars

– I like making videos and taking pictures

– I love the colors aqua blue and camouflage

– I’m always wearing a hat

– Nothing makes me happier then spending time with people that I love

– I always talk and sing to myself 

– I like being called Trev

– I love my beard and will probably never do a clean shave


Why am I going on this trip?


For the past 3 years, I haven’t been sure of what I want to do with my life. After getting out of high school, I thought that I wanted to go in the U.S. Marine Corps. After a lot of back and forth, I decided that it wasn’t the path that God wanted me to go down. Since that decision, I had been feeling like every path that I tried to go down was just being blocked off. I felt like all of the doors were being shut. I eventually got a full time job and was really confused as to what path God wanted me to go down. After going to Ghana, Africa with my church and going to El Salvador with Young Life, I realized that I had a passion for mission work. My grandma had mentioned the World Race several times to me throughout the past several years. It wasn’t until I went to El Salvador, that I realized that I was being called to go do The World Race. That’s Just a quick answer to why I’m going on this trip. If you would like to know the full story, check out my first blog post. 


Thank you for checking out my blog and if you have any questions, fell free to contact me. I would love to hear from you. Also, feel free to subscribe to my blog to get updates on this amazing adventure when ever I post something!


– Trevor Regan