Holy smokes, reality is finally hitting me! I’m going to be 100% honest, my mind feels like it’s going a million miles an hour from feeling all kinds of excitement, so I’ll try my best to type out my thoughts in an orderly fashion. But first things first. Welcome to my first blog post! Seriously. While you’re here, make yourself at home. I invite you to make yourself a part this story.

If there’s anything I’m passionate about it’s people. Seriously, I could spend time with people all day and never get tired. I honestly don’t get it sometimes—how could God make someone so awkward be so extraverted? I swear, He has a sense of humor sometimes. But regardless of my awkwardness, I think investing in people is worth it because it mirrors how God is always investing in us!!! His grace leaves us with more grace. His compassion leaves us with more compassion. It’s like a domino effect that you can’t escape. Something I’m more than willing to be a part of. This season of life has been full of me seeking ways to take my wild extravertedness and turn it into a way for me to walk people closer to Christ. How could my encouragement and consistency and love reflect God’s? How can I be the highest of service to the Lord?

Which leads me to reveal…

I’ve been accepted to World Race Gap Year, which is a 9-month mission trip to 4 countries!! It’s a way for young adults to take action. To live out what Jesus calls us to do: love infinitely and care deeply for our brother and sisters all around the world. I’m a part of route 3, where I’ll be sharing the love of God through time well spent in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Getting to spend time to live among locals and be a part of the community. A beautiful, beautiful opportunity!!!

“Evolve, surrender, awaken, become.”

These are the words I jotted down at the beginning of Fall. From God. A powerful theme in my life these past couple of months, and I’m expecting to see this theme extend out in months to come! Evolving every day. Surrendering 9 months of my friends, family, and education. Inviting a season of discomfort because it’s the highway to awakening. Casting light on the love and work that is already taking place in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Becoming more dependent on Him. Becoming mobile for the sake of people knowing the truth. Becoming a living, breathing testimony of God’s faithfulness.

Thank you to all of you who have read this far into this post! Your love and support means the world to me!! Please reach out if you want to talk about this opportunity more in depth!!
