For those of you who don’t know, about a month ago I started a Student Ministry internship with Church Unlimited. I thought it was going to be super easy, but boy is it far from that. A couple of weeks before the internship started, I was still unsure whether this was going to be the next step I was going to take. I was afraid that my responsibilities from the internship were going to take over my entire schedule, and that all my fundraising/prepping for the World Race were just going to fall on the back burner. What I was afraid of, came to reality. I allowed everything to get pushed to the side because what was in front of me had to get done first. The more that I thought about how much I wasn’t getting done for the World Race, the more stressed I became. There was a point where I was so stressed that I literally cried 95% of that day. After crying and throwing myself a pity party, I realized I hadn’t been praying over my situation. I’ve allowed others to pray over me, but not once have I asked God to take control over my situation. I began to pray and just dive into the word. By doing this, I could feel the load lighten, but I still had this enormous amount of weight that I couldn’t handle anymore. A few days ago I received a notification from my bible app about the verse of the day, and let me tell you, I NEEDED to read this verse. The verse that popped up was Matthew 11:28 and that reads;

“Come all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.”

Guys, God is so good!!! I just said that I had this enormous weight that I couldn’t handle anymore, and then Jesus is like, “give Me your problems and I WILL give you rest!” Personally, I don’t think I’ve fully understand how faithful our God is. I try to take control of my own future without understanding that the plan He has for me is a thousand times better than my own. I try to take control because I can’t stand not knowing what comes next. But ultimately, I try to take control because I am afraid that the plan God has for me won’t line up with my own. There are times that I find myself questioning whether I am supposed to go on the World Race, because there aren’t any finances coming in. As I step back and see how everything has worked out, I know that my God will not abandon me in this stressful time. When we allow God to be our pilot and take control over our life, He lifts those burdens and we are able to breathe. Even though there are many things that could possibly go wrong by taking this internship, I did it anyways. The Lord calls us to do things out of our comfort zone. Above all, He calls us to do things that we cannot do on our own so that we can lean on Him. Let me say that one more time so that you understand what I am saying;

The Lord calls us to do things we CANNOT do on our own so that we DEPEND ON HIM.  

This is where I stop trying to control my own situation and give it to Him. I know how much I have to fundraise for my trip, and I know that if I try to do it on my own I won’t get anywhere near what I need. So I prayerfully ask that you consider investing in my journey. I ask that as I am about to take a huge leap of faith, you consider jumping with me. Any donations would help. Allow the Lord to use you in a way you never thought He would.



P.S. If you are interested in donating to my journey, up top you will find a “donate” tab click there and it’ll direct you to the donation page.