Hi there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Schyler!

Here is a place where you can walk with me on my journey as I travel for 11 months to 11 different countries, check in on me, and marvel at God’s goodness as I embark on this grand adventure. But first, a little bit about me. Enjoy!

I’m from Lubbock, TX originally, but grew up in a small town called Aubrey. It’s one of those towns that you’ll never find on the map and if you blink just once, you’ll miss it. I am guilty of being one of those small town girls who found joy in riding my dad’s lawn mower around the front yard, who thrived at the thought of playing in the mud after a long storm, and who would attach an inner tube to the back of a car and casually drift up and down the streets of my neighborhood. I guess you could say my imagination had to be extraordinary living in an ordinary town. But, that ordinary town is where I hold my fondest memories. I was surrounded by lots of love and the bellyaching kind of laughter. What more could a girl ask for?

Shortly after I graduated High School, I moved to Frisco, TX and attended Collin College. For about two years, I aimlessly wandered the halls and took random courses all while trying to find an answer to the famous question we’ve all heard, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I remember feeling as if the answer would forever remain a mystery to me. It wasn’t until I made a decision that, unbeknownst to me, would change the entire course of the rest of my life. I decided that I wanted to go to church and for the first time ever I attended a service at Elevate Life Church.

The moment I stepped through the doors of Elevate Life Church was the moment that I met Jesus. It was as if the blinders had been removed from my eyes and I could see clearly for the first time. I knew that I no longer had to wander aimlessly searching for the answer, because God was my answer. I decided on that day that I wanted to spend the rest of my life passionately pursuing Him. Looking back, I am able to see that God had been longing for my heart, but never once gave up on me in the search to finding Him.

Fast-forward about three years; I have graduated from Elevate Leadership Institute with a Bachelors degree in Leadership and Biblical Studies. Elevate Leadership Institute is a two-year internship that allows you to grow into the man/woman that God has created you to be. Through the internship I discovered that God has given me a unique fingerprint to leave an imprint that no one else can leave. I was able to set a new foundation with God in the center of my life, I gained lifelong friendships, and discovered new dreams and passions that I never knew were inside of me. For the last year and a half, I’ve had the privilege of working on staff at Elevate Life Church. The time I’ve spent serving the church has only grown my love for reaching the lost and loving on God’s people.

If someone were to ask me that famous question today, “What do you want to be when you grow up? I would say this…

I want to be all that God has called me to be!

I want to be a person that is known for her love for God and others!

I want to be a light in this broken and hurting world!

I want to be fearless in the pursuit of God’s will for my life!

I want to be a person who is willing to stand in the gap and say, yes God, send me!

I sit here today in awe of what God has done in my life and can hardly fathom this incredible journey that I am about to embark on. I’m ready for more of God! I’m ready to bring life and hope to those who are hurting! I’m ready to get out of my ordinary and experience our extraordinary Father in places I’d never thought I’d get the privilege of visiting.