
Talk about an adventure, am I right?!

The last few weeks have pretty much been a whirlwind of emotions and “to-do’s” for myself, yet I don’t even leave until August!

Needless to say, this next chapter is about to be INCREDIBLE!

I have spent the last week or so, since my blog became active, trying to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD to post on my first blog. Then this morning, while working through the Bible study of Gideon, I was presented with the obvious!


In the story of Gideon, this phrase pertains to the moment when God practically diminishes Gideon’s army before sending them in to battle. (Judges 7:2)

In the story of Nicole, this phrase pertains to the moment when God tells me: Let your story tell itself. 

So here are the bones of my story:

Come August, I will be traveling through 11 different countries in 11 months. I will be spreading His word and His light. I will be leaving my career as a preschool teacher to take a hiatus and learn what life really is like outside of the comfort of a Starbucks and a Target down the street. I will take minimal items with me, but will take many lessons to be both taught and learned. 

I thank you all for the support, love, and encouragement as the reality begins to sink in that at twenty-five years old, I will be participating and contributing to some of His greatest work.


Love ya,

Cole Amy