Did I mention that sometimes I have a problem with change?


Which when you think about it is ironic that I’m about to go on the Worldrace which is 11 months of change!!!


So what’s my problem with change?


I’m not quite sure… I think it has something to do with being secure in my surroundings, you know knowing what’s going to happen, how things are going to look, what’s expected, etc.


These can all be good things, but what I’m realizing is that sometimes we… ok I get so stuck in my comfortable little life… my little box… my own little world… that I don’t ever take the time to be still! To look at what is right in front of me or see the people who are around me! To look past the everyday quick, my way blur and to really see the beauty in a place or the heart of a person!


I feel that’s something the Lord wants me to learn and is teaching me now and will continue to teach me on the race!


It goes back to the question-

What am I seeking? What am I spending my time doing? Because what you spend your time doing has an effect on your life, how you live, act, go about your day to day, eat, and so much more… a lot of times I’ve hear it said that where you spend your time is where your heart is!


You ask what brought about this question/thought?

I’m currently in the process of preparing for a yard sale! So sale all my unnecessary items! So I’ve been sorting through my stuff for days now….


And you ask how did I do?

Well I’ve definitely reduced! I’ve sorted through some clothes, but not all! I’ve rearranged my room and especially the living room for weeks now! Adding to the yard sale stack and clearing out furniture!


Yes it was/is hard at times….

I know, I know it’s just stuff, but it’s also my stuff it’s part of my comfort zone if you will! I look back over my furniture that I’m selling and I see the memories around the table, on the love seat, in the recliner! But also I look back to the history of how I got that object…. 



The leather love seat for instance- it was part of a larger set that good friends of the family had bought… some how along the way my brother got the love seat at college and then when he left the apartment I took it over and it’s been with me ever since… so at least 7 years, and who knows how long before that my brother had it and then the couple! It is/ was the most comfortable leather piece of furniture I’ve ever sat in and only had a few moving scratches to show for its long years of service! So long good love seat!



This leather recliner… goes way back… in fact I think it might be older than me! (30+ years!!!) It’s a lazy boy and it originally belonged to my grandparents! It’s still in great shape… although the handle falls off from time to time… but come on 30+ years, it’s ok to have a little flaw here or there!



This table is not so old… well I really don’t know much history on it other than, a friend gave it to me and my roommate and we’ve used it for almost 3 years now! Many a meal, card game, art project and so much more happen on that table!

These four chairs where given to me by one of my old bosses, they were in the old office and he needed to get rid of them so I took them for free. Hey I can’t complain about a matching set of 4 for free!



Wooden rolling cart- (which I turned into a night stand/ book holder) I got at a Boy Scout garage sale… I remember being amazed that they were giving up this gem for only $10! Sold! It’s really cool- you can take out the middle shelf and use as a serving tray! 



Coffee table- another garage sale gem… (Yes I know its current job is not as a coffee table, but its not mine anymore!)

Do you wanna guess how much I paid for this??? I know you where thinking a lot… right? With the fancy swirly, heavy metal legs on it and the stained wood top! 

Well I paid $2! Yes I said $2! Now when I got it the top needed a little bit of work… nothing a good stripping and staining couldn’t fix… and bam look at this beauty!


The mirrors on the wall… don’t even get me started… spotted and picked up off the street, won at an auction,  bought at a garage sale, given by friends, the list goes on and on!


So now that I’ve sold/given away/ released these items… the money goes toward my trip, but more than that I’ve begun to realize that they are just stuff that can be replaced if needed, when necessary!


There are more important things than fancy couches and beautiful coffee tables! Also, that I should not put these things above what’s most important, the Lord and his work! 


So goodbye stuff, hello to the world… the Worldrace that is!


I hope that this journey on the Worldrace will open my eyes to loving people from different cultures and that I come back with a collection of friends! That I’m able to share their story and impact on my life, for they are more important than how old a chair is or how cheap I got a table for! For people are what matter and we were not placed here to gather stuff, but to love people and share the good news!