Dear friends and family,

I am writing this to share with you, if you don’t already know, the amazing opportunity the Lord has opened up for me to do. I have been accepted to an 11-month mission trip called The World Race! The World Race is apart of Adventures in Missions that has sent over 100,000 people since 1989 to do mission work internationally. This is designed for young adults to travel to 11 different countries in 11 months. I will be leaving in January 2019 to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, India, Nepal, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Romania, and Ukraine! While in these areas, my team and I will be partnering with some local churches/ministries to help in areas of need.

A few years ago, if you would’ve told me that I will be going on an 11-month mission trip I would’ve told you you were crazy. But I am thankful that my plans are not my own and they are God’s. With each passing day, I feel more called and confident that I am doing His will. I want to see realness and rawness of the world. Each month will look a little different, but overall, we will be sharing the gospel and entering into their ways of living. I am so excited to share the good news!

First, I would like to create a prayer team. This could be ways you could be praying for my team, the field around us and myself, along with updates on our prayers.  If you would like to be apart of my prayer team, send me an email ([email protected]). Secondly, is support raising. Going for 11 months is not cheap, the total cost of this trip is $18,200. This includes the cost of training, travel (air and ground), lodging, food and other necessities as I go. I know thats a huge number but My God is faithful to provide! This is a unique opportunity for me and I hope you will partner with me.

Financial donations can be given in multiple ways and can be one time or monthly:

  1. You can click the “Donate!” button at the top of my blog! Visit and follow the steps on how to donate

  2. You can send a check to the following address, (please put Kylie Cain on the memo line so they know who to give to):

Adventures in Missions

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

**Checks will approximately take 2 weeks to process.


If you have any questions about The World Race or how I came to the decision to go, please feel free to reach me at [email protected] or 859-803-2395. Thank for your time! I am humbled by the support I have already received and cannot wait to see what God will do in the coming year!


With love,

Kylie Cain