Hi! My name is Jessica. I was born in NYC and lived there through middle school, and then moved to Puerto Rico for a few years before finishing my last year of school in Miami, where I currently still reside.

I love anything to do with the arts. I love to sing, play the piano, and draw. I also really like learning new languages (and singing in different languages as well) such as Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean.

I’ve gone on one short term mission trip before to Italy to partner with a ministry that works against human trafficking. But I had the World Race in the back of my mind for a few years. This year finally I felt that I was being called to something beyond the normal pattern that my life has been following so far. So starting January next year I will be traveling to 11 different countries ranging from West Africa to Southeast Asia to South America. I am combining my love for travel and the languages and cultures of others with my desire to spread the love of God and meet the physical and spiritual needs of others throughout the world.

I will be keeping this blog to document my journey in preparing for the World Race and throughout my time on the field. I’m excited to see what God will do over these next couple of years!