Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by and for walking along this journey with me. I am super excited and expectant that God will do great things on the trip. So, this is my blog. You’ll find updates on the trip, how things are going, and general blog posts that I put out. 

As far as the trip goes, I will be setting out in January, 2019 on the Unscripted Route. The countries that I will be visiting are: Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Botswana, Bulgaria, Serbia, Spain, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.

Below is a mix of both my heartbeat behind the trip and a few fun facts (for those who don’t me). 

– I have a huge passion for entrepreneurialism, investing, and business – Talk to me about this stuff, I love it! 

Food, sports, and health and wellness – I believe these things bring the world together, crossing all manner of differing opinions. I could spend all day around these things and be in absolute bliss.

The Gospel (Romans 10:15, Isaiah 52:7, Nahum 1:15) – These are the verses that I continually came back to all of 2017 as I was praying about missions. 

How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,
Who says to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”
– Isaiah 52:7

Thanks for the love and support!

With much love,