Who am I? 

My name is Ashley Hancock and I am 22 years old. I love to laugh a whole lot, eat good food, spend time with the people that I love most, and most importantly I am a big fan of Jesus. I met the Lord at a very young age and have spent my whole life figuring out what my life with him looks like and am loving what that looks like so far.

 Where am I from?

I am born and raised in Las Vegas, NV. I have lived in Vegas my whole life with my dad, mom, and 2 sisters. Growing up in Las Vegas is interesting to say the least. 

After graduating HS I was introduced to Young Life and began leading at Arbor View and Centennial HS. Being able to play a part in my sweet high school friends lives changed mine. I was able to see the Lord work in my girls lives and in mine in ways I never imagined. Being a leader and sharing Jesus’ love with lost kids was a big game changer for me.

Living in a place most people refer to as ‘Sin City’ is so strange. This crazy place that I have learned to love has brought some of the most wonderful people into my life and I have made the most wonderful memories. I never really felt like I had a place here growing up but God sure did change that point of view. 

 What am I passionate about?

I have a deep love for people; for helping, listening, and serving others well. I would definitely say that God has blessed me with a servants heart. I really love kids too, I think that’s why Young Life was such a blessing to me. My heart is the most full at the times when I am sitting with a kid and just simply talking about life. I cherish the moments when I get to have open and honest conversations with people.

I found a new passion in the last few years of public speaking. So weird to think that I enjoy speaking in front of others because I never would have liked to speak in front of anybody 4 years ago. It is the coolest thing to speak from your heart about things that mean so much to you. Lucky for me I have a job that inspires me to do that every day. Very thankful to Apex Leadership Co. for helping me grow and to find new passions and inspirations daily.

What are my favorite things to do?

I absolutely love hanging out with my extremely goofy family playing card games at dinner. Also, game nights at Brooke and Marcus’ with my closest friends are the best. I am sucker for a good book and read as often as I can. I love country music and am an avid concert goer (thankful for my best friend Bree for always tagging along with me and being my adventure buddy). Most times you will find me jamming out in my car, going dancing, drinking good coffee, or trying new food places with my best friends Bree, Katelyn, and Brooke. My family and friends are very near and dear to my heart. Thinking about 11 months away from the people who raised me and loved me is really difficult. Thankfully they will be here when I get home and praying for me every step of the way. 


Who am I spiritually?

I am a Christ follower and a beloved daughter of the King. So much so that it’s tattooed on my inner arm as a constant reminder. (2 Corinthians 6:18)

 At the age of 5 I remember sitting on my hospital bed asking Jesus to live in my heart. From that day on he has been there. At times when I felt like my heart was far away from him he pursued me harder. He has constantly placed people in my life who loved me fiercely and pointed me back towards him. The last 5 years I have really explored and pushed my relationship with God to grow in ways I’m sure only he knew it would. Spiritually I’m constantly growing and God is constantly shedding his grace on me. I know that without his love and endless grace I would be nothing but I am thankful every day that a perfect King could choose, use, and love someone like me. I am flawed, but so very loved and wrapped in the Lord’s abounding grace. 

So that’s me! My life has definitely been a bumpy ride with tons of ups and downs but I don’t think I would have wanted it any other way. I believe that everything that I have gone through up until now has been preparing me for something like this. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go on the World Race. I have felt the calling to do something like this for the last 5 years and am so glad I finally listened to God. I can be really stubborn in that way thinking that I know best but thankfully God knows better. I feel truly humbled and honored that the Lord would choose someone like me to be his hands and feet. As He is preparing me for the journey ahead I am definitely full of so many emotions ranging from uncertainty to excitement but I am mostly full of joy. I would love to have your prayers for me to be courageous and trusting in God over this next year. I can’t wait to continue to share this journey with you all, thanks for reading.